I Sprout Up Scientific Laws

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   It felt like I was in paradise.

   One of my first deductions was that Andromeda's lips tasted minty. My heart felt like it was about to explode from my chest. The warm feeling of her lips on mine spread through my body. Butterflies flew in my stomach and I completely zoned out on everything else. 

   After a minute, I pulled back. Andromeda bit her lower lips nervously as she missed the feeling and so did I.

   "Well uh..." she started awkwardly. I was just as anxious as her. I was about to reply but I had to be very rudely interrupted by a very conscious Edward.

   "The Key!" Ed hissed, looking at our direction. My eyes widened as I looked at the staff of Moses. I connected the dots and realisation hit me.

   Of course, the staff was the key.

   "Stay back... I don't want you to get hurt" I said worryingly to Andromeda, as I readied my sword. Andromeda however, looked conflicted. She didn't want to leave me but she wasn't sure how she could help me. Then it looked like an idea struck her.

   "Take the staff" she said, picking up the staff of Moses. She handed it to me and I hesitantly took it, hoping that it wouldn't disappear like the last time. I held it in my hand and it started vibrating.

   Power flowed through me and Lucian violently shook in my other hand. I tried bringing the staff and the sword closer but they repelled each other and moved away. Both probably held grudges against each other.

   'Sup dude' I heard a voice in my head say. 

   Why am I not surprised? I turned towards the staff of Moses with a raised eyebrow. "You too can talk?" I said it more as a statement than a question.

   'Dude, of course I do. Unlike your buddy Eden there, I don't speak the old tongue' he said in a really annoying voice. I just opened my mouth and closed it, not knowing how to respond to that.

   ''Tis been a long and blissful time since I've last seen thee...Staff of Moses' I heard Lucian say with a bit of resentment in his 'voice'. The staff started hummed and gave off a light blue glow.

   'Still as boring as always, aren't you ironhead? Also, I go by the name Mr Rad now' said the staff. I could tell that he took great pride in the name Mr Rad. I really didn't want to crush his supposed soul by telling him how weird that was.

   "Weapons...stop" I said sighing in irritation. 

   I turned towards Andromeda and motioned her to take cover. She did as I told and I faced Edward. He was in his human form and holding a hand against his neck in pain. His left face had a slight char mark. Our eyes met and he snarled at me.

   "Ah well Edward... almost didn't see you there" I said in a mocking tone.

   Edward let out a deep and ferocious growl and his features started to change. He started getting bigger and his streaks of hair started growing longer and longer. Eventually the Ivory streaks of hair started getting upright. The hair then came together and formed solid structures of...well...ivory.

   So that's how he changed his hair to horns...nice

   I was so captivated by the hair that I didn't notice the fact that he had finished transforming into a humongous dragon. His seven heads roared at me and I was drenched in dragon saliva.

   "Eww... stop drooling" I said. Probably not the smartest thing to say when your facing a dragon.

   I extended my wings, which were still in bad condition after my little incident with the acidic water. I flapped them and took off in air. I wondered if Edward could fly. It would totally defy the laws of physics if he could. 

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