#3: Arrival

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The sun was still rising. The scout regiment's headquarters was calm and quiet, but it wouldn't be for long. In fact, the new recruits were already on their merry way, all their belongings taken with them.

"So this is it, then!" said a mildly cheerful Armin. "It's where we'll be living, guys!"

"Oh, just lovely. Could you keep it down, Goldilocks? It's 6 in the morning!" countered Jean. Out of embarrassment, the blond boy sat back down.

"Jean, don't be mean to Armin!"

"Shut up, Eren! You-"


Everyone turned their head back to [Y/N].

"Boys, I'm not doing this today. It's early, none of us have slept well, and we don't want to make a bad first impression to our superiors."
Her cold tone was enough to put sheepish looks on both teenagers.

"Sorry, [Y/N]" they chimed in unison.

"I wonder if we'll be able to eat breakfast, I'm starving!" said Sasha.

"You know what? That is a great idea." [Y/N] replied, displaying a soft smile once again. "I'm absolutely famished. I excepted we'd be able to eat before leaving, but Shadis just had to kick us out as soon as we woke up..."

As the carriage came to a stop, the new scouts were able to spot a grumpy looking man walking towards them. Recognizing him as the corporal, everyone stood up and saluted, with almost perfect coordination.

"Good morning, captain!" said Eren.

Levi sighed. "Good morning, Jaeger. I see you and all of your comrades made it in time, that's good. Now, everyone, listen up!"
His gaze turned more serious.
"Before any of you get to eat anything, you all are going to follow me to your rooms. I want them to be spotless. Only then will you place your belongings in. Understood?"

"Yes sir!" they all replied.

"Perfect. Now, where is [L/N]?

A confused looking young woman made her way up to the front.

"I am right here, sir. Good morning. May I ask how I can assist you?"

This was the first time he was able to get a proper look at her. Looking up, his eyes slightly widened.
This woman was stunning.
Levi wasn't one to fuss over physical appearance, but it was so blunt that her beauty couldn't be anything but a fact to acknowledge.
Realizing he'd been staring for a second, he cleared his throat.
"One of our squad leaders, Hange Zoë, has requested to meet you before the other higher-ups. They will explain everything once you get to them. They should be waiting for you at the entrance. Now, all of you, follow me!"

Before [Y/N] had the chance to say anything, everyone started walking towards the building, lead by the corporal. She followed, curious to see who this Hange was, and what they wanted from her.

"No fair, [Y/N]! You get to skip cleaning!" whined Eren, clinging to her arm as they walked.

"Come on, cleaning can't be that bad."

"You say that because you don't know what his standards are."

As she was about to reply, she was interrupted by an overly enthusiastic voice yelling her name.

The person was running towards her at such speed, it was almost frightening.

A faint "tch" sound could be heard.

Before she could say anything, she was suddenly wrapped up in a hug.
"Erm- you must be squad leader Hange! It is an honor to meet yo-"

"Oh, don't be so formal! Call me Hange. We have so much to discuss!"

As everyone else headed to the dorm area, [Y/N] was lead to the strange squad leader's office. As they entered, Hange motioned for her to sit down.

"May I ask how I can be of assistance, Hange?"

She was given a playful look. "You speak so uptight! There's no need for these formalities."

"...Well, you are my superio-"

"Yes! And your superior is telling you to loosen up!" They were displaying a large smile. "So! Let's get down to business. Simply put, we want to get to know you, [Y/N].


"The higher-ups want to get to know you. Reason is, we have reports of your performances during the near fall of Trost. You kill count is at 20! And solo, at that! Do you understand what that means?"

She now seemed embarrassed. "Not really."

"It means you're amazing!"

"I don't want to take all the credit. Mikasa and Eren are as skilled as I am. Plus, Armin's strategy is what saved several soldiers when the titans invaded the headquarters. And-"

"We know all of that, don't worry. I'm talking to you particularly not only because of your strength, but also because of your leadership skills and your quick thinking. Shadis reported that you had become almost like a second instructor. Is that true?"

[Y/N] started playing with her hair under the pressure. "...It is. Although I was a much softer one. I only taught them my ways here and there."

"But that is already remarkable! Our point is, [Y/N], that you are probably one of our strongest soldiers, and you just walked in here for the first time 20 minutes ago. We want to know you better and judge your character, as well as your abilities, for ourselves."

"Really?" She seemed taken aback.

"Yes. You still have the same rank as your peers for now, but we're doing this because every other person of high-rank that has met you is telling us about you."

"... This seems unfair."

Hange gave her a soft smile. "You should give yourself more credit, dear. With enough training, you could probably become another Levi."

[Y/N] now looked alarmed. "Hange! Comparing me to him seems disrespectful-"

"And it is," a stern voice said from the doorway.

Hange looked slightly panicked. "Leeeeviiii! I didn't see you there-"

"If you were a cadet, I would have made you run laps, four-eyes." His gaze was somehow cold and bored at the same time.

[Y/N] looked positively mortified.

"Oi, brat. Don't look so scared, I'm not a titan."

"If I may say, sir. You are way more intimidating than a titan."

Hange let out a laugh, while Levi looked slightly taken aback.

"Ha! See, I knew you could be funny! Anyways Levi, why'd you stop by?"

"I came to tell the brat that her comrades were done cleaning," he turned his head to face said brat. "You may go to the hall. Breakfast is served."

"I shall hurry, then. Thank you, sir! And thank you for the talk, Hange."

"No problem, dear! Come eat lunch at our table today! I want you to meet everyone-

"Are you sure that would be appro-"

"Tch. It's fine, [L/N]. Now go, because these kids seem to forget how to act when you're not there."

"...Right. I'll see you guys at lunch!" and with that, she was out the door.

Levi sat down in the chair she'd been in, lifting his gaze to his friend. "So, how was she?"

"You said you expected her to be cocky, but she was quite to opposite. She said I was giving her too much credit because the others are skilled too. It seemed sincere~"

"I see, how odd. I suppose I'll get to talk to her for myself at lunch, thanks to you. You might have scared her, though."

Hange pouted. "I just gave her a hug."

The corporal sighed. "I have to go, paperwork for Erwin. See you later, shitty glasses. Don't blow up the building until then." Before they could reply, he left.

Hange smiled at the door.

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