#20: Emprisonement

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A chill ran down [Y/N]'s spine as the meaning of Erwin's words sank in.

"Yes, tonight. If we wait any longer, they might get wind of what happened to Annie and try to retrieve her. If your hunch about Braun is true, then we can't let them roam free any longer."

Breath hitching, the young woman put on a determined look, as if a switch had been flipped in her.

"So what's the plan, commander?"

The man smiled at her, a hint of pride in his eyes. "We wait until 2 in the morning, when they'll most likely be in a deep state of sleep. Levi will go in their dorm and knock them out before they can do anything. Then, we bring them to the dungeons and tie them up so we're sure they can't even get a scratch on themselves."

"Alright, go on."

The commander took a sharp inhale. "Cadet Ackerman, just as Levi and yourself, will be down there with me and Hange when they wake up. We need you guys in case things take a turn for the worst. Cadet Arlert will be there too."

"Understood," [Y/N] replied. "I think it's a good decision not to involve Eren right now. With his reaction when I suspected them and his current state..."

"Right. I wish we could have had Mike, but his squad is at another base near Wall Rose right now. We could bring up suspicion by making them come back early."

The young woman sighed, putting her head in both of her hands.

This felt unreal. She wasn't even sure Bertholdt was involved, but since they both never left the other's side...

Her own family. The first ones she had befriended at the training camp, in fact. The very kids she'd sworn to protect.

Noticing her actions, Erwin got concerned and put a hand on her shoulder. "[Y/N]? Are you alright? Does your head still hurt? Maybe I should let you rest, but considering that you wouldn't accept that-"

"I'm fine. This just feels insane but... Let's go for it, Erwin. I want the truth. We all do."

Empathetic, the blond man stood up and offered her a hand. As she got to his level, she looked at him and saluted, but without the usual stiffness.

"I'll devote my heart," she told him.


"Heavy bastards..."

As expected, Levi had succeeded in capturing both teenagers. He was now stretching himself, a scowl on his features. He'd had to carry two considerably bigger males all the way to the dungeons while putting weight on his injured leg; so let's just say he wasn't in the best mood.

"Good work, Levi. I'm sorry I had to make you do this, but you were the best option," apologized Erwin.

The captain sighed. "Orders are orders, right? Don't mention it."

Both of the suspected cadets were now tied up in a very complex manner so they couldn't move a muscle; thanks to Mikasa's skills. Heads hung low, they were still unconscious, but their waking was likely imminent.

"We should hide ourselves in the darkness," suggested Armin. "If they wake up in the complete dark only hearing each other's voices, they might tell useful information they wouldn't say if we were there."

"Good idea," approved [Y/N].

And so, all the lanterns were blown out, leaving  the eight individuals not seeing a thing. Levi and [Y/N] were sitting on chairs, while the rest of the conscious soldiers were standing with their backs straight.

Memories Tend To Be Dreams Themselves[LEVI X READER X ERWIN]Where stories live. Discover now