#19: Capture

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When Levi and [Y/N] joined their comrades, the horrid scent of titan flesh was everywhere in the air. Human bodies were scattered around, an unprecedented sight in the inside of Wall Sina. What looked like a giant rock was laying there, Jean screaming on top of it.

"Hey, get out of there, Annie! You lost! Say something! All these lives lost just for you to hide yourself in there like a coward?!" yelled the boy, hitting the thing repeatedly with his blade. "Get out of there!!"

Levi walked over to him, putting a hand on his shoulder. "Stop it. Give it a rest. There's nothing we can do now."

Despite appearing full of sorrow and despair, he nodded quietly, tears threatening to spill from his eyes.

"If we can't get her out of there for questioning... was it worth sacrificing our comrades?" Hange whispered to themself.

Silently, [Y/N] and Levi walked over to Erwin, who was still handcuffed when arriving on sight.

"Can't win 'em all, right?" said Levi.

"Right. At least now the scout regiment has saved itself... Though by the skin of its teeth," replied the commander.

"We've been able to defeat her," added [Y/N]. "She can't harm any more people now."

The blond man looked over to her, expression unreadable. "Yours and Armin's theory proved right. I suppose we should thank the both of you."

The young woman nodded.

"I'll let him know."

The atmosphere was tense as Erwin was sitting there, the eyes of dozens of high ranking officers observing his every moves.

After the whole ordeal was deemed somewhat successful, he was brought in for a report meeting instead of getting locked up. The key now was to convince them of his utility before they decided to just get rid of his whole regiment.

"Erwin, care to explain why you didn't request the military police's help?"

"Discretion," he replied, blunt and simple. "We had reasons to believe there were possible enemies inside the ranks. The only ones involved were those well above suspicion. In the end, the capture of the female titan was a success."

"Yeah," interjected Nile. "A success that destroyed a good part of Stohess."

"If we hadn't tried to get her, there was a possible breach coming. Stohess could be in a far worse state than it is now," countered the blond.

"You have me grasping at straws to defend you," said another man. "You hostage is essentially useless."

"That she is," he agreed.

A few gasps could be heard.

"Are you saying... This was all for nothing?"

Erwin narrowed his eyes. This was where he'd go for the kill.

"Nothing? Not too long ago, we couldn't even imagine that people could turn into titans. Now we've uncovered two of them, and we've got one on our side. Today's sacrifice has permitted humanity to make a great step forward. Make no mistake: there are more out there, and we'll hunt them down until the very last one."

Silence took over the room after his strong and confident voice stopped speaking. Everyone was staring at him, gawking.

The survey corps commander smirked internally.

Memories Tend To Be Dreams Themselves[LEVI X READER X ERWIN]Where stories live. Discover now