#32: Hiding

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[Y/N] hadn't gotten a wink of sleep.

She had tried... Truly, she had. Only, there was just too much going on at the moment. Even more than the usual.

She had spent the entire night thinking of Erwin; of what might happen to him. What he'd explained to her the night before was nothing short of horrifying, but she couldn't do anything about it. He'd asked her not to, and she'd live by whatever he requested as her commander. Still, she felt absolutely helpless. They couldn't really tell as of now, but what if the worst happened? What if he got executed?

She couldn't figure out if their kiss had made things better or worse. Now that she knew how he felt, wouldn't it make it even worse if she lost him?

That kiss... she had to admit, she'd been thinking about it a lot, too. Even now, several hours later, she could still taste the red tea flavor  that had been on his lips and feel his broad, muscled body holding her against his chest. Blood was rushing to her face at just the thought of it. She felt her entire body tingle, and-

"Oi. [Y/N]."

She turned her head to the right, meeting eyes with her captain, who was looking up at her under the hood of his cloak.


"Why do you look like that? That weird smile you're doing."

At that, the world around [Y/N] resurfaced to her. The sound of the cart wheels against the tiles of the street, the noises of the market, the entire Levi squad with them, all under black cloaks to move undercover, Ymir's return...

"Shit, sorry..." she told her captain, who was sitting next to her on the cart. "I let something get to me."

Sighing, Levi took a glance around them to see if anybody was looking their way. When he realized the coast was clear, he took his lieutenant's arm and pressed himself against it, leaning his head on her shoulder.

"I know how hard this is on everyone..." he whispered gently but firmly in her ear. "Truly, I do, but I need you at the top of your capacities. Don't space out, anything could happen."

[Y/N] sighed in turn. "I'm sorry," she whispered back. "I didn't sleep. I'm just- Levi... I'm worried about Erwin."

"I am too," the shorter man replied. "If he doesn't come back to us alive I'll kill him. I'm sure he told you though... Erwin doesn't need a damsel in distress who's only good for loosing her mind about him. So try to think of something else and get your mind straight dammit, because we've got shit to do."

The captain was always ever so gentle with his words.

Now determined to do a good job, she gave him a grateful look. "Thank you, Levi. I needed that one," she spoke in a low voice.

He nodded against her shoulder. "We don't have emergency work to do once we get to the hideout. I'll let you sleep while the others are cleaning so you can be rested and ready."

She raised an eyebrow, surprised at that claim. "You don't have to give me special treatment, you know."

Levi was trying his hardest not to let his voice waver. "It's, um... you're my lieutenant and you said you haven't slept. I can't have that, you'll just be making a mess. Cleaning requires precision and a clear head. You're going to sleep."

Smiling softly, she slid her right arm around his figure to give a side hug. "Thank you, Levi," she whispered.

"Er- You're... welcome..." he managed to get out.

Across the carriage, Ymir tightened the grip she had on Historia's hand. "Do they think they're slick?" she asked under her breath.

"I don't know," replied the blond on the same tone.

Memories Tend To Be Dreams Themselves[LEVI X READER X ERWIN]Where stories live. Discover now