#7: Departure

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The 104th training corps fell completely silent at the outburst, delivered by none other than their second strongest, Mikasa Ackerman.

"There's no way! You won't take Eren out there, of if he goes, I go with him!"

"Mikasa..." tried Eren, his cheeks reddening with embarrassment. He couldn't take her protectiveness very well these days, especially since joining the scouts. More than anything, he longed to prove his value beyond the shadow of his (almost)sister.

"No Eren, you can't-"

"Ackerman." Levi's voice was laced with venom. "When your commander speaks, you shut your trap and you pay respect."

The commander, the corporal and their squad leaders were gathered in the dining hall with the 104th training corps to announce Eren and [Y/N]'s departure to Wall Maria with Squad Levi. The cadets were mostly confused and worried, but the black haired waisan girl seemed to take it the worst.

While awkward silence was re taking hold of the room, [Y/N] was just kind of standing there, trying her damn best to avoid Mikasa's furious gaze. Erwin, whom she was standing besides, seemed to take notice of her body language. Softening, he put a hand on her shoulder in support.

"It's not fair. Why does she get to go?" Mikasa pointed a menacing finger towards her friend. "You know of my capacities. You know I can-"

"Cadet Ackerman," interrupted Erwin, "Please calm down. We've selected cadet [L/N] here for a number of reasons. Our word should be enough for you, so please refrain from shouting in our presence." His voice was sympathetic, but firm.

"Mikasa," tried [Y/N]. "I know how much you care for Eren, and I know you know how much I do, too. I promise you to do everything in my power so that nothing happens to him. You have my word."

The young soldier seemed to soften a bit at that. She took a deep breath, turning her head towards the green-eyed boy in question.

"I've almost lost you once already, Eren. I don't want it to happen again."

"Mikasa. I can literally turn into a titan."

That didn't seem to be the answer she was waiting for, but she took it anyways. A bit saddened, she put her eyes back on her older comrade.

"I'm putting my trust in you, [Y/N]."

"You won't have to regret it."

A faint "tch" could be heard in the otherwise quiet hall.


"So, you're [Y/N]! You're so tall!"

Just a day before the leave, young cadet [L/N] was meeting squad Levi for the first time. Eren already was a step farther than her since he'd already met them after the Trost incident, so she found herself all alone in her confusion. The only familiar face was captain Levi himself, and it wasn't like he would be much help with introductions. In fact, he was sitting there sipping his tea, and he didn't seem to pay them any mind.

As a result, poor [Y/N] was now faced with an unfamiliar redheaded woman who was smiling up at her.

She sighed in annoyance at the comment about her height, and raised an eyebrow. "Am I really that tall, or are you just 5'0?"

That earned a laugh from an old looking man across the office, who was surprisingly wearing the same cravat as Levi. "Ha! Hear that? I think we're gonna get along just fine! Although you might wanna be careful about saying things that could offend the captain over there."

The man in question fixed a death glare on his subordinate, and I [Y/N] couldn't keep in her chuckle. "I think he's more offended that you related it to him than he is about my comment in itself."

"Smart girl," Levi simply stated, going for another sip of tea.

"Er," continued the man, his cheeks red from embarrassment. He coughed a few times, trying to appear intimidating, but miserably failing. "Anyways... tch. My name's Oluo. Nice to meet you... I guess."

"Nice to meet you too," she said, genuinely smiling at him.

"I didn't get to tell you my name! I'm Petra. Those two over there are Eld and Gunther." The two men waved their hands in her direction.

[Y/N] tried to appear friendly as she responded. "Nice to meet you all, I can't wait to work with you." She turned to make eye contact with the little redhead that she now knew as Petra. "I might have come off as rude, sorry. It's my idea of humor."

"Yeah well," started Oluo yet again, "You should show more respect to those with experien-ARGH!"

The man had cut himself by biting his own tongue, and the new recruit he was addressing gave him a non-impressed look.

"Woah! See that, Eld?" exclaimed Gunther. "She has the exact same face as the captain when she's annoyed!"

"Maybe he found his soulmate, you never know~" The other one replied, which caused the both of them to laugh hysterically.

For the first time since stepping foot in the office, [Y/N] was at a loss for words.

"Oi, you brats!" Levi looked clearly annoyed now, and he even had a hint of embarrassment in his eyes. "That's your cue to get out of my office!"


The sun was still rising as they were packing the horses. Mikasa and Armin had woken up early to say one last goodbye to them, worried about their friends, even though they knew the both of them were incredibly skilled.

[Y/N] made a "hmph" sound as Armin crashed into her, giving her a bone crushing embrace.
Smiling softly, she caressed his hair before planting a little kiss on top of it.

"Good morning to you too, Armin."

"[Y/N]," he looked up at her with a sad smile. "Here! I packed you some books I found yesterday in the library for you. There's also the one I was talking about the other day! I just don't want you to get bored."

She grinned back to him. "Thank you so much! I'll read that first, then."

Eren chuckled besides them. "Nerds, I say."

Mikasa gave her a hug too, bringing her lips close to her ear. "I'm counting on you."

She smiled in her friend's shiny black hair. "I won't disappoint."

"Well then, cadet." The voice was accompanied by steps that were coming closer and closer. All four of them turned around to meet eyes with none other than Erwin Smith.

To everyone's surprise, including her own, [Y/N] jumped in to give him a hug.


"Sorry, Erwin. I-"

He cut her off by hugging back. "Don't apologize, it's okay. I do hope that you'll take care of yourself, and that you find yourself at ease under Levi's command. We will see you soon." His hold was warm, strong and comforting, so much so that it took her a few extra seconds to pull away.

"That we will!"

"Hange!" She exclaimed, beaming.

"I see how it is, then" they said, a playful look behind their glasses. "Eyebrows gets a hug but not me?"

She laughed, hugging them in turn. "Please try to keep the building in one piece while we're gone, Hange."

"Oi! [L/N], Jaeger! If you don't hurry your asses up, I'll tie both of you up and put you on the carriage!"

"That's our cue," said a slightly scared Eren. He took his friend's arm, leading her to their horses. "Let's go, [Y/N]."

"Yeah, let's. Bye everyone, see you soon! Say bye to the others for us!"

The seven of them were now riding to their destination, in hopes of finding a still intact HQ. The last voice [Y/N] heard was Erwin's as it faded into the distance, disappearing behind the galops and the wheels of the carriage.

"You know, cadet Arlert, I have quite a few books to recommend you..."

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