#5 Reflexion

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A few days had passed since the 104th's graduates joined the scout regiment. A new routine was slowly establishing itself, as the young soldiers adapted to their new environment. Things weren't really that different from the training camp.

"...I really think you should read it, [Y/N]. It's about a boy who's father left him when he was a baby. Now he wants to take this exam to..." Armin was babbling once again about a book he'd found in the library. In between training sessions, he liked going there, and this time [Y/N] had joined him.

Ever since they met, her and Armin had this habit of sharing books with each other. None of the others liked reading as much as they did. Although they never had much free time, when did they'd talk about books. From history booklets to romance novels, everything was interesting. It was their own way of escaping the harsh reality.

Chuckling, she ruffled the blond's soft hair. "I will read it when I find the time, Armin. Pass it to me when you're done with it, okay?"

"There you guys are!"

Both of them looked up to see a seemingly relieved and out of breath Eren.

"What are you doing, sitting in here? Lunch has already begun!"

"It has?"

"Do you guys know how many places I looked for your sorry arses? Though I should have known you'd be here, you nerds." He paused, breathing heavily to catch his breath. "[Y/N], you're late to eat at the high table. The corporal sent me to get you."

Her eyes widened.

"Oh god. Thanks Eren, I've got to hurry! See ya Armin! I won't forget about that novel!" With that, she dashed off.



Cadet [L/N] entered the dining hall walking. She'd stopped running as she got closer to it, not wanting to look like she was in a rush, even though she was.

"You're late." Bored eyes were looking up at her.

She gulped.

"...I am. I'm sorry, I lost track of time for a bit there. Thanks for sending Eren to get me," she said as calmly as possible, taking her seat next to Hange.

To everyone's request, she'd stopped addressing them the formal way while at their lunch table. "You should be able to relax while you're eating!" Hange had exclaimed.

"May I ask where you were?" Erwin's eyes were filled with innocent curiosity, which was an odd look on his usually calm and composed face.

"The library. I was discussing fiction novels with Armin." She smiled at the blond man. "Both of us enjoy literature very much, but we're the only ones in our group. The others just can't appreciate a good book, I guess."

"You enjoy reading too? Really?" If [Y/N] didn't know better, she would say the commander was beaming with excitement he was trying to tame. Judging by the way Levi was staring at him, this wasn't a usual sight. "None of my subordinates ever cared to read the books I recommended to them."

"Erwin. There's no way in hell I'm picking up one of your shitty romance novels. The-"

"They're hardly romance novels, Levi. You just don't know a classic when you see one."

Memories Tend To Be Dreams Themselves[LEVI X READER X ERWIN]Where stories live. Discover now