#10: Experiment

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"...How come you're putting more cream in your tea than you did yesterday, brat?"

Today was the day Eren would suffer his first experiment with Hange. They had arrived only a few hours ago, and Levi's squad was taking advantage of the fact that the scientist was still sleeping while they could. Eren was also still in his peaceful slumber, which was odd, considering this was his second night sleeping in a freezing cellar.

Sighing, [Y/N] looked up at Levi. "The more comfort I need, the more cream I put in the cup. I hardly slept last night, and today won't be easy...considering." She paused, taking a sip of her earl grey. "It's a boost of courage."

The shorter man only huffed, crossing his arms as he sat next to her. "I should smack you across the head for the fact alone that you're adding anything to it. You're ruining perfectly good tea."

She smirked at him, chuckling. "Levi, how you managed to even notice the difference in amount is beyond me."

Taken aback, he only looked away. "I'm observant."

Let's just say the special operation squad didn't really know what to make of the whole situation. There they sat, watching their captain and a fresh graduate cadet having playful discourse over tea. None of them dared to say anything.

The fact that this wasn't even the first time they'd heard [Y/N] address the corporal by his first name was all the more troubling. To put it bluntly, not many cadets could do that and live to tell the tale. Hell, they couldn't even do that, and they were his own squad!

"Good morning guys," yawned Eren, entering the room and cutting everyone's thought process.

"Tch," started Levi. "You look messy. Did you even take the time to do more than put on your uniform?"

The teenager looked terrified, seeing the man he was the most scared of scolding him first thing in the morning. His friend took pity on him.

"To his defense," said the young woman, shrugging. "He spent all night on a cold floor."

"Keep defending him, [Y/N], and I might just feed you to his titan form."

She replied with a smirk.


Everyone groaned, looking up at the doorway, where an overly enthusiastic Hange stood. They looked as happy as always, their brown hair tied in the usual scruffy ponytail.

"Hange-san!" Petra winced.

"It's seven in the morning, four eyes. Spare me your screeching." The man's voice was laced with annoyance.

"Shorty! Still in your grumpy mood, I see!"

If looks could kill, the brown haired squad leader would be dead 50 times over. Moblit, who was standing shyly behind his superior, looked positively horrified.

The captain only ended up sighing, getting up from his chair and fixing a glare on everyone.

"We better get started on this."


It was already lunch-time, and Eren hadn't been able to transform even once. He looked confused and more than a little disappointed in himself. Levi wasn't exactly helping his case either.

[Y/N] pulled the younger boy in a reassuring embrace. She expected him to bolt away in embarrassment, but he didn't even have to will to. Instead, he tightened his grip around her, fighting his frustration with himself. His hand was hurting like hell and didn't seem to heal.

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