#11: Suspicion

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Hange's cries were pretty much the only thing keeping the area from quietness. The only other noise was the confused and frightened whispering that was traveling amongst the soldiers gathered.

Everyone at the old headquarters had mounted their houses in a hurry that very morning, hearing about the 'massacre', if you could call it that. What could possibly motivate someone to kill mere test subjects?

The culprit had apparently used Marco Bodt's odm gear to do the deed, a deceased trainee soldier and [Y/N]'s former close friend. The thought of his legacy being dirtied by a criminal made her very blood boil.

Suddenly, she felt a firm hand on her shoulder, just before a familiar deep voice spoke up:

"Who do you think the real enemy is here, [Y/N]?"

She turned around immediately, facing none other than Erwin Smith himself. He was standing there, studying her face with an odd look.

She sighed.

"I don't know, Erwin. I think we still lack too much knowledge to figure it out. Although, it's becoming more and more clear to me that we're up against more than just titans."

He raised an eyebrow. "Is that so?"

"Yeah. This was clearly done by human hands, but it's essentially a crime against humanity. Someone is trying to prevent us from learning more." She paused. "It's also pretty obvious that if Eren is a shifter, there must be more out there. If I had to bet, I'd say the Colossal and Armored Titan are two of them..." she met his gaze once again. "...But you already figured out all of that."

He shrugged. "I wanted to see how fast you could catch on. You really are a wise woman. But..." His eyes widened. "What happened to your head? Why is it bandaged?!"

He looked pretty concerned, which was odd considering the amount of injuries he saw everyday. She gave him a quizzical look.

"Don't worry, it's just a little accident that happened yesterday during experiments. Eren transformed by mistake while I was sitting next to him during lunch."

"How bad is it? Tell me." he required, voice firm.

"It's nothing, just a cut. My skull is intact, if that's what you want to get at."

He seemed to grow less tense at that affirmation. Looking at her, he cracked a soft smile. "Very well, then. I do hope you'll be careful in the future. And, well... I'm glad to see you made it back here okay."

She smiled, but was interrupted by someone else before she could reply.

"Oi oi! Erwin!"

The corporal walked up to them, gaze serious and slightly displeased. The image of the three officers was sort of comical since it seemed like he was looking up at two trees, but no one around would have dared to point it out.

"Hello, Levi. Glad to see you," said the man.

"Yeah, yeah. I came to take this brat back with me." he says, irritated.

"Actually," countered the blond, "I was looking for you. You're the only one I haven't discussed positions with yet for the upcoming expedition."

"Tch... fine. I'll follow you."

"Excellent. In the meantime, [Y/N]... I believe you have some friends to rejoice with," he affirms, smiling.

Memories Tend To Be Dreams Themselves[LEVI X READER X ERWIN]Where stories live. Discover now