#36: Escapade

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Erwin sighed.

It was tiring sometimes, to always be so right.

Just has he'd thought, the government had placed a halt on all scout activities right after he'd sent Levi and his squad into hiding. Not long thereafter, Nile Dok himself, in his everlasting arrogance, had shown up to personally relieve him of his belongings.

Sitting at his desk, he contemplated how long he would still be considered a free man. Probably a day or so, give or take. Two or three if he was lucky. He didn't know quite yet what the First Interior squad would come up with to get him behind bars, but he knew through experience that they could get quite creative in their ways. Furthermore, upon recent development, the situation was now more dire than ever, and there was no time to waste.

At least, the special operation squad had made it out of today's squalor, according to Hange's in-person report. The otherwise outcome was... unfortunate, but he had full trust in his strongest troupes. No matter what, he knew that Levi wouldn't disappoint him.

Levi. Even through his recent...emotional discoveries, Erwin knew that no amount of jealousy or unease would change the fact that the safest route for [Y/N] was to stick besides her captain. Granted, she was an incredibly capable woman, but she was also the object of his near-obsession, and Erwin wanted her safe... perhaps even selfishly so. Even then, today's battle was proof that she was at her prime when supported by his strongest soldier.

Moreover, as much as he struggled to admit it, the woman he desired had clearly developed some kind of fondness for his trusted subordinate. She looked up to him, in every sense but literal. She was still young, inexperienced as a soldier... She needed Levi to be a mentor, a supporting shoulder as her potential grew day by day.
However, it wasn't only that she needed him. In fact, the captain himself needed her.
She completed his lacking points to manage the squad. Where he lacked tact, she was kind and attentive. Where he was intimidating, she was reassuring. She didn't just use those assets for the good of the team, either, but also for Levi's own sake.

Around her, Levi felt better. With retrospective, it was clear as day.

They seemed like the perfect pair. Two gifted stars, two unique individuals who formed a deadly duo.

Erwin couldn't help but swallow down the jealousy that clung to his chest.

Throughout his career as a commander, no subordinate had ever made him as proud as Levi did. Ever since he'd became a scout, Erwin had held him in the highest regard. He was a diamond in the rough, a miracle in the flesh. It made sense that a prodigy like [Y/N] would attach herself to his hip. He understood the appeal... he did.

He recalled the moment intimacy he had shared with her, not too long ago. The feeling of her soft lips against his, desperate to drink every ounce of him. The way her hips swung themselves at his, how one of her hands had clung fiercely to the hair on the back of his head.

He had cherished the memory ever since it happened. There was no doubt his dearest returned his affections, yet he couldn't help but feel... unease. Unease at the thought of Levi with her, yet unease at the thought of himself... without Levi.

Nonsense. The whole situation was starting to give him somewhat of a headache.

For now, Erwin needed to focus on the task at hand. He likely had less than 24h hours until he got apprehended, and after that his survival depended only on a gamble. Admittedly, that was something he had gotten used to, but it did require very calculated moves. He needed to stay completely focused, for his dream... and for the hope to see his beloved again.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 01, 2023 ⏰

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