#6: Evaluation

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"Y/N." She felt her corporal's hand on her arm. "Let's go."

She mounted the carriage, accompanied by three of her superiors. Taking a seat besides Erwin, she tried to hide her yawn.

"Tch, didn't you sleep?"

For the first time, [Y/N] gave Levi a look that was not impressed at all. "It's literally 4 in the morning, so not nearly enough. Plus I know you probably didn't either."

His only reply was a scoff.

"When you guys said you'd take me to the training area today, I thought of midday, or maybe in the afternoon. I didn't expect to be woken up in such ungodly hours by a pair of glasses in a ponytail," she continued, sending a glare to Hange.

"Hey, you're certainly in some mood. This is not even that earlier than usual. You're a soldier!"

"Yeah, and I need every bit of sleep I can get." Her look could have given competition to Levi. An odd chill went down Hange's back.


"[Y/N]," Erwin's amused voice came as he put a gentle hand on her shoulder. "Don't be so harsh. We need to go early because we want you to have the whole training field to yourself, before the cadets take over the place." He softened, seeing how tired her eyes were. "Will your lack of sleep alter your performance?"

She tilted her head. "Maybe, but not that much. I'll manage, don't worry. Apologies for my outburst."

The ride was uneventful. Levi was gazing out the window, looking deep in his thoughts. [Y/N] was curious of his frown, but she didn't ask about it.

They finally arrived to the training area, greeted by none other than Keith Shadis himself.

"Keith!" [Y/N] cried out with a little smile, running up to hug the old man.

Her three companions were absolutely dumbfounded.

"What on God's green earth..." Erwin's whispered, barely loud enough for the others to hear. In all his years of service, he'd never seen his old commander actually smile, let alone bloody hug a cadet.

To the trio's surprise, Shadis looked pleased to see her. "Hey there, kid. I know you'll do well today, like you've always done. Don't embarrass me!"

She chuckled. "Of course not."

Levi spoke up first. "...When they said Shadis liked her, I didn't know they meant he was practically her damn dad."

"Not my dad. More like a grumpy uncle." She said, matter-of-factly.


"Let's go before we run out of time."


As [Y/N] was about to fly up, Shadis gave a few explanations to his former subordinates.

"I had the training ground set up specially for her. More dummies coming up, and I few arrows from above too. I've also got obstacles like big rocks."

They all nodded. They would follow her in gear the entire time in a clear path for them, so they could easily focus on how she was doing.

"You ready, kid?"

"Yeah, let's go."
With that, she flew off, and so did they.

[Y/N] sliced the napes of the first three dummies with a single, deep and clean cut. She kept going at them for a minute or two, and Levi noticed that her blades weren't nearly as damaged as they should be.

Suddenly, two arrows sped on her from above, and she caught them both just before they hit her face. She threw both of them at separate trees, and they stuck.

Memories Tend To Be Dreams Themselves[LEVI X READER X ERWIN]Where stories live. Discover now