#9: Speculation

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Back at the actual headquarters, Things remained as normal as they were, or at least close to it. With the absence of Eren, there was significantly less shouting, considering Jean had no one to fight with now. It was a welcome change to the others.

Levi's absence didn't go unnoticed either. Cadets appeared more at ease now, knowing no one would be as hard on them as he was, except maybe for the commander. Since the man in question only left his office to eat or train, he didn't pose much of a threat.

As for [Y/N], her little group almost looked like lost puppies without her. Even Reiner, usually tough, looked confused. Who would he tease now?

The fact that she'd left also permitted the scouts she didn't know to gossip about her more openly. It was no secret that she stood out against the rest of them, her aura intriguing more than one.

Erwin hadn't realized how popular she was until he passed by a group of cadets that were talking about her.

"What's [L/N]'s deal, anyways? I mean, have you seen her?" said a young woman he didn't recognize.

"I don't know, she looks weird, but like in a good way, you know? I've never seen anyone look like her."

"Right? She's so pretty, though, and strong. Her and that Ackerman girl."

"I heard rumors," added a young man. "No one knows where she really comes from. Some say she's not from within the walls!"

Erwin's eyes slightly widened. He sat down at the high table, still listening to the conversation no too far from him.

"Don't be ridiculous, there's no civilization outside! She's probably just a descendant from an ethnicity that died out."

"No, I heard that rumor too," affirmed a new voice. "I bet it's true. Maybe she's infiltrated. I mean, why would it be impossible? Jaeger can turn into a titan. I say everything's possible."


Hange's voice scared him half to death. They hit the table in front of him, making the silverware shake.

"Hange! What is it?" he said, midly annoyed.

"I've been trying to get your attention for the past minute! You were looking at your food like it held the answer to life. You look lost!" They replied, taking a huge sip of water.

He sighed. "I apologize, I was just deep in thoughts."

"Oh? Missing a certain someone, are we?" they teased, wiggling their eyebrows weirdly.

"Very funny," he deadpanned, unamused. "Is there something I can help you with?"

"Not really. I just wanted a nice chat before I leave tonight. We won't see each other for a week until the expedition."

Hange and their assistant Moblit were to travel in the following night to join Levi and his squad. They hadn't left the previous day with the others because of important reports they had to do, but it was all done now. Actually, it was the shortest period of time Hange had ever used to hand in paperworks. Erwin figured they just couldn't wait to experiment with the young Eren.

"Ah, yes. Please do try to make advances with the boy before the upcoming mission to retake Wall Maria. We need all the strengths we can get."

Memories Tend To Be Dreams Themselves[LEVI X READER X ERWIN]Where stories live. Discover now