#26: Comfort

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"He's in there. Please be calm and patient with him, he's still a little confused."

Nodding at the nurse, [Y/N] entered the room followed by Erwin, Levi and Hange.

A lump made its way in her throat as she caught sight of her friend. The poor boy was sitting up in bed, the nub of his left arm bandaged up, his lost gaze looking out the window.

"Connie," [Y/N] breathed, fighting the emotion in her voice.

Slowly, as if to recognize his surroundings, the teenager turned in her direction. After a few seconds, his eyes widened and he rushed a salute. "[Y/N]... commander, corporal, Hange-san. I'm glad to see you."

"How are you feeling?" asked the youngest woman.

"As good as I can feel in this situation, I guess."

He wasn't smiling.

Carefully, he patted the bed space besides him, signaling his friend to come sit next to him. Silently, she approached him, avoiding his gaze.

"I know you feel horrible about this, [Y/N], but you're not the one who failed me. Please look at me."

As she did so, the whole room was silent.

"Historia wasn't quick enough to save my arm," he continued, "but she was quick enough to save my life. Many soldiers died that night, but I didn't, so I'm grateful. This is nothing."

She observed him. The light that had once shined in his golden eyes had dimmed out, leaving his face looking haunted and sorrowful. Despite his noble words, Connie was obviously hurting, and [Y/N] felt helpless as to how to bring the cheerful boy he used to be back.

"You are exceptionally brave, cadet. You have my respect," announced Erwin, looking sympathetic.

"Thank you sir," replied the teenager. "That means a lot to me."

After a few seconds of pause, emotion seemed to overtake him as tears filled up to the brim of his eyes. He took his friend's jacket in his sole, trembling hand, burying his sweaty forehead in her shoulder.

"...My village," Connie croaked out. "They were massacred. Every last one of them."

[Y/N] could almost feel her heart jump up into her throat. Unable to say anything, she only took him in a weak embrace, her mind reeling with helplessness.

"It actually has to do with what I wanted to see the commander and the corporal for," he stated in a weak voice. "There was something very strange there."

Slowly, one person after the other took place in a different seat, being careful not to make rash movements while gathering around the amputee.

"I was sent to investigate Ragako village with a few others after begging a superior," stuttered Connie, his golden hues wide from the horror he'd witnessed. "When we got there, there was no sign of struggle anywhere. No bodies, no blood, nothing. But I knew they didn't flee, because all the horses were still in the stables."

On the edge of their seats, Erwin, Levi and [Y/N] were listening intently to the boy's story, as captivated as they were horrified.

"Then... I noticed an unmoving titan, laying on what used to be my family's house. It looked at me, and... That's when it clicked."

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