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It was the round that they had all been dreading, the round that would determine if they were to debut together as one. Yoonji could barely feel the seconds ticking away as they awaited JYP's decision.

He himself was scanning a few papers, strewn over his desk. There was nothing Yoonji could do other than pray that she wouldn't lose a member.

During the time that she had trained with the boys, she had managed to talk to them and grow close with a few. At that moment, she was mostly worried for Minho and Jeongin. 

Suddenly, the man began to speak and Yoonji couldn't even concentrate, her mind whirring at just who was going to be eliminated.

"The person who's eliminated is," The CEO paused for a brief second, pity in his eyes.


At that moment, Yoonji shut her eyes, willing herself not to cry. The boy whom she had thought was cold and uncaring had taken her under his wing, helped her to dance better. And now he was leaving.

She watched JYP stand from his seat and shake Minho's hand, patting his arm as he left the group to say their final goodbyes. 

It was Jisung who made the first move. He offered a small smile towards the older boy, but Yoonji knew that he was struggling to hold his own sadness in. It took a minute until they all crowded around the dancer, Felix, Seungmin and Yoonji in tears as they embraced the boy.

"Why d'you mess up the lyrics?" Chan asked softly but his own eyes were watery.

"I was crazy," Minho smiled.

"You should've done like you practiced," Hyunjin mumbled as he wiped his own tear.

"I was fine during rehearsal," Minho continued, dabbing at his eye before hugging the leader. "I'm sorry,"

"Why are you sorry?" Chan asked "I should be the one who's sorry,"

He gently slid out of the leader's hug before turning to embrace the female member who buried her head in his chest. "You did so well," She whispered as the tears kept flowing "You did so well,"

"You'll be okay, Yoonji," The older boy consoled her, his grip on her tightened "We'll be okay,"


It felt like history was repeating itself as they stood in front of JYP once more, the busking mission having been completed.

All of them could feel the tense atmosphere hanging over them. There would be an elimination.

They were narrowly scraping through the fact that they had lost Minho, but one more person gone? It would destroy them. 

Yoonji stood between Jisung and Changbin, her small frame being tiny compared to the two despite Changbin being the shortest male in the group. 

"Felix," JYP began.

"Yes," The Australian boy was quick with his words, his heart lurching at the thought of being removed from the people he had grown so close with.

"You're biggest problem now is your lack of Korean. You need to be able to do your rap part and deliver it fluently, to which you will need time,"

The older man softened slightly before adding. "I'm so sorry but, this time you won't be able to go on,"


Another silence settled upon the dance room as they took in the extent of JYP's words. Felix wouldn't go on. They had lost a second member. 

The CEO nodded before exiting the room, leaving only a few members in his place. Felix was already crying, his arms around Jisung who had gone to hug him.

"I'm sorry," He sobbed "I'm so sorry..."

Yoonji went to him next, tightly hugging the boy whom she had spoken to in what little English she knew. 

"Felix," Was all she could say before she too broke down and the pair whimpered, not wanting to believe that the boy was going to leave them.

"I'm sorry," He repeated "I'm so sorry,"

Everyone was crying at that point. Changbin had sunk low into a corner and was weeping, Seungmin furiously rubbing his eyes, willing himself not to cry even more.

"Always find me, yeah?" Chan's voice was hoarse as he spoke to the other Australian "I'm never gonna leave you behind, yeah?"

How is it that I know that they debuted together, but whenever I see these scenes, I feel like I want to cry too?

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