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"Wait, so you two aren't going home?"

JYP had issued a break for Stray Kids, for two weeks and a majority of the group were very pleased and excited to be returning home. Except for two.

Due to the sudden declaration that they were given a holiday, Chan and Felix weren't able to book any tickets to go to Australia, leaving the two extremely grumpy and slightly frustrated.

The other members had already left for their homes, and Yoonji was the last to leave, elated to return to her hometown of Gwangju.

"We can't," Chan's smile was forced "There's not really any point going home since we can't get tickets and besides, I have some work to do,"

"Felix, what about you?" Yoonji asked the freckled boy.

"We were going to go together," He answered "But seeing that we can't get tickets..."

The dorms descended into silence, a gloomy atmosphere spreading down on them all. Yoonji despised seeing her members upset and it was even worse considering that two of them couldn't return to see their families.

Until a thought drifted into her head.

"You can come home with me!" She said excitedly, much to the boys' surprise. "You're going to be lonely here, and you can stay with me and my family,"

"We couldn't do that, Koala," Chan began softly, Felix fiercely nodding beside him "That's ruining your time with- "

"You aren't ruining anything," The girl said firmly "In fact, they've both missed seeing you all,"

"I don't know, Yoonji," Felix's voice trailed off as the female member tilted her head.

"You two are coming with me to Gwangju and that's final," She insisted. Yoonji glanced at her watch. "We have an hour until the train, and you two need to pack. Hurry!"

The two boys exchanged glances before getting up to pack their bags, and spend their break with Yoonji and her family.


"Eomma," Yoonji's voice ran through the coridoor of the Kim household as a petite woman appeared into view.

"Yoonji!" Lee Mina rushed to greet her daughter in a crushing hug, holding her beloved child tightly.

Behind them, both Felix and Chan smiled fondly, only wishing that they would be able to receive such bone-crushing hugs from their own parents soon.

"You didn't tell me that you were bringing the boys," Mrs Lee beamed at the two boys who bowed.

"We didn't mean to invade your time with Yoonji," Chan said "But she pretty much forced us to come here. We're sorry for the trou-"

"Oh don't be silly," Mrs Lee pulled the boys into an embrace as though they were her own sons "Sondeuk and I haven't seen you all in ages, it's brilliant that you came. You are no trouble at all. And drop the formalities, we all know each other,"

"Honey, where are my glasses?"

"Speaking of Appa," Yoonji turned to the man standing at the doorway, looking slightly confused as to where his spectacles were.

"Hey, flower," Kim Sondeuk hugged his daughter before turning to the boys "The two of you have grown since we last saw you,"

The man shook Chan and Felix's hands before turning to his wife. "My glasses- "

"On your head, dear," Mrs Lee plucked the said lenses off of the older man's head.

Mr Kim sighed as the three youngers giggled. "I'm getting old," He mumbled "I can't even remember where I put my glasses," He looked at the luggage that the idols were holding "I'll take these for you, go into the dining room, Mina's made a lot,"

Chan, Felix and Yoonji followed the older woman into the dining room where a number of snacks were waiting for them.

"How's the business?" Yoonji asked her parents as she bit into some hotteok.

"It's going well, although, it's not the season yet so sales are rather low," Mrs Lee commented "But tell me about what's been going on back in Seoul. Is it fun?"

"Fun, but exhausting," Felix replied "To be honest, I'm glad that we have a break,"

Mr Kim came in, grabbing his own hotteok. "Ah, well, there's no place like home,"

Hotteok is a popular Korean street snack and is like a sweet pancake. It can also have fillings in it. 

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