18.6K 376 32

Early 2017

English will be in italics

"There's one more member who will be joining us for the showcase," Chan's voice boomed in the room filled with seven other members of the so-called 'boy's team'.

After Yoonji had become the fifth member, they had discovered Hwang Hyunjin, a boy with incredible dancing skills and heavenly visuals. Soon after him they found Kim Seungmin, a boy with wonderful vocal skills as well as savagery that could rival Minho's. The final boy that had joined them was Yang Jeongin, the youngest of them all with braces and fox eyes. 

Yoonji had immediately taken position as mother for the younger boy and made sure that he was always happy and comfortable. So far, there were 8 members in the team.

"Who is it?" Jisung questioned and all of their gazes fell on the door as it opened.

A boy with dark brown hair appeared, cupid bow lips and a bright smile shot towards the group.

"Hello," He bowed and it took them all a minute to register just how deep his voice actually was "I'm Lee Felix. I'm from Australia,"

"He'll be the final member to join our team," Chan grinned madly "He's not only great at dancing, but he's quite good when it comes to rapping too. Treat him well,"

It took a second until everyone started introducing themselves.

"Age order!" Hyunjin declared.

"Then I'm Lee Minho,"

"Seo Changbin,"

"Hwang Hyunjin!"

"Han Jisung,"

"Kim Seungmin,"

"Kim Yoonji,"

"Yang Jeongin,"

Felix paused as his sight fell upon the only female in the group but quickly looked away to not appear rude. He was still growing used to Korea, and didn't want to give off any bad impressions.

"Enough with that!" Seungmin said "I'm hungry, let's go down to the caféteria,"

A chorus of agreement came from the group as they all marched down the hallway and into the caféteria. Yoonji noticed that Felix was next to Minho and Jeongin, both of whom were in deep discussion as the Australian boy tried to understand what the two were saying.

The two boys were going too fast for Felix to fully understand but he caught words like 'bad eggs' and 'stupid' in the middle of it.

Yoonji decided to approach him.

"Australia? Nice?" She asked in English feeling slightly foolish and confused as to whether her grammar was correct.

Felix brightened at the English words. "Australia's really nice," He beamed "Are you older than me or- "

"Birth date," Yoonji said.

"September 15 2000," The boy relayed and Yoonji smiled.

"November 15 2000. 2 months older," Yoonji grinned.

"I can speak and understand Korean," Felix explained as they reached a table "But not big words or numbers. And if you go too fast, then it's hard for me to understand,"

"I'll help teach you," Yoonji offered, much prefering to speak in her native tongue "That is, if you would like?"

"Yes please,"

The group sat down, Changbin and Jisung disappearing to get food and they began to converse with one another, mainly consisting of Felix explaining how he got here and his life back home.

"I got through the auditions late last year," He clarified "Chan hyung found me when I was dancing in the practice room and he offered me a place in the boy's team, although," He eyed Yoonji "I'm guessing it's not called that anymore,"

"We've all gotten over the fact that Yoonji's a girl," Minho shrugged "Besides, she's good,"

The said girl felt her cheeks heaten up as the table complimented her. "Alright, that's enough," She waved "Look it's food! Eat!"

Things were going well.

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