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"Time to get up!" Seungmin's voice rang through the house as he poked his head into each doorway, watching as a few of his members rolled around in bed, wanting to sleep some more.

"It's our day off today," Changbin whined "Why are you waking us up so early?" 

"Because we need to go grocery shopping," The younger boy reminded him "We all eat like lions here and the food finishes much faster than we think. Now, get up!"

Changbin groaned once more before pushing himself out of the warm blankets and poked the sleeping body of Felix in the other bed.

"Felix, get up before Seungmin yells at you,"

The Australian boy muttered some incoherent words and stretched his arms, wincing at the small clicks.

"Where's Chan hyung?" He asked, standing up and leaning onto the older boy who was just as sleepy.

"I think he came back from the studio last night," He mumbled "I heard the door open and close,"

The two stayed quiet for a minute before Changbin decided to leave and tidy himself up, leaving Felix to go somewhere else. He elected to go to Yoonji's room and bother her for a bit before washing himself.

"Yoonji!" He complained "Why did Seungmin have to wake us up so early? On our day off too!"

There was no answer to be heard from underneath the covers and Felix frowned. "Yoonji?"

Carefully, he lifted the sheets slightly to see the girl shivering and curling into a ball, pulling the sheets back from the blond. 

"Hey," Felix said softly "Are you alright?"

"I-I think I'm coming down with a cold," Yoonji mumbled, recoiling back into the bed, desparately trying to get some warmth. "Where's Chan oppa?"

"I don't actually know," Felix replied "Do you want me to go and get him?"

The female nodded and shrunk away further, not wanting to pass anything to Felix who had already stood up to find the leader.

"Hyung!" He called as he spotted Chan, Hyunjin and Jeongin in the kitchen "Yoonji's ill,"

"Oh no," Jeongin's eyes were wide "Is noona okay? Is she warm? Do you want me to go to her?"

"She's not dying, Jeongin," Jisung came into the kitchen, rubbing his eyes as Seungmin too joined "It's probably just a cold,"

"Was she burning up?" Hyunjin asked, glancing at the doorway to her and Seungmin's shared room.

"She was underneath the covers, so I'm guessing she's really cold," The Australian boy answered "Chan hyung, she wants you to go,"

"Okey dokey," The leader pulled out a thermometer from one of the cabinets and made his way to the girl's room, Minho, Jeongin, Hyunjin and Felix following him.

"Yoonji," The oldest boy said gently "Can you take your temperature for me?"

Without answering, Yoonji took the thermometer from Chan's hand and quietly took her temperature, wincing at just how cold the air was.

"38 degrees," Minho muttered glancing at the instrument "She's got a high temperature,"

"Oppa," The boys turned to look at Yoonji whose eyes were droopy "I'm so cold,"

"I know, sweetheart, I know," Chan reassured "But we're gonna have to do a few things first before you retreat to the blankets, 'kay? Why don't you brush your teeth and clean up and then come and sit on the sofa with some blankets. Is that okay?"



"Here's some nice warm jook," Seungmin passed the bowl and a spoon to Yoonji who was curled on the couch, blankets all around her. "Eat up,"

Slowly, she began to ladle out the warm food and relished the heat that was on her tongue. She continued to eat, some of the boys eating their own jook. 

"We need to go grocery shopping," Seungmin reminded them "Some of us go out and the rest of us stay here with Yoonji. Sound good?"

"The question is," Chan glanced at the female who was still eating "Who wants to stay with Yoonji?"

Almost immediately, Changbin, Hyunjin, Jisung, Felix and Jeongin raised their hands, each of them glaring at one another, wanting to be the one who stayed with the girl. Yoonji was known for wanting to be hugged and cuddled when she was ill, and each of them took it as an opportunity to hug the girl.

Seungmin rolled his eyes "We only need a few,"

"I give the best bear hugs!" Changbin insisted "I'll stay,"

"Yoonji noona loves me," The maknae huffed "I'm staying,"

"I make her laugh," Jisung smirked at the other two who looked slightly crestfallen "I'm staying,"

"Then me, Chan hyung, Hyunjin, Felix and Seungmin are going shopping," Minho snickered at the two boys who looked annoyed at the fact that they couldn't stay with Yoonji "We have lots of shopping bags for you to carry,"


Yoonji was currently sitting in between Changbin and Jeongin, both boys hugging her from her side. Jeongin's head was on her lap and Changbin had an arm around her, his own head on her shoulder, adding to the warmth that she needed.

Jisung was in front of them, trying to make her laugh, making funny impressions of each of the other members.

"Wakey wakey," He imitated Felix's voice on Idol League "It's time to wake up. Don't want to be late today," 

"Felix hyung's voice was so creepy but funny in that," Jeongin commented "His voice is really something else,"

Changbin glanced at Yoonji who had a weak smile on her face "You okay, Koala?"

"Better," She snuggled herself further into Changbin's side, making Jeongin shift his body so that she wouldn't be uncomfortable.

"We're home!" Hyunjin's voice pierced through all of their ears, alerting them of the grocery shopping team's presence.

Instantly, he dropped the bag that he was holding and ran to Yoonji's side. "Move over, maknae," He ordered "It's my turn,"

Jeongin scowled as Hyunjin took his place next to Yoonji, Felix also looking at Changbin to let him hug her.

Yoonji being ill really did have its benefits.

A/N - Jook is a Korean porridge and it can be either vegetarian or have meat in it. It's also good to replenish the body.

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