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Yoonji had been quietly sitting on her bed, re-reading her copy of 'The Little Prince'. She had just about turned the page when her eyes dragged towards a large insect that sat in the corner of her room.

It was a cockroach.

Yoonji let out a shriek and dashed out of the door, not wanting to look at the creature. It seemed that she had been going a little too fast and had promptly forgotten that the floor was wooden.

In her hurry to get away from the beast, she slipped and the girl let out a disgruntled groan.

"Yoonji?" Chan's head popped out from his own room and he eyes the female who rubbed her back "You okay?"

"There's a cockroach in my room," She pouted.

The leader began to laugh, much to Yoonji's confusion. Cockroaches were no joke! 

"Sweetheart, you are much bigger than a cockroach," He smiled fondly.

"That thing has 6 legs and I only have two, that's not fair," She whined, wrapping her arms around the older boy "Can I stay with you? I don't want to go back in,"

"Sure thing,"

Yoonji slipped into Chan's shared room, and climbed into the boy's bed, pulling the covers up. She felt a small dip in the side of the bed as Chan joined her, one arm around the younger and the other holding his phone.

"Night, sweetheart," He gently tucked a stray hair behind her ear before pressing a small kiss to her cheek.


Jisung, Hyunjin, Felix and Seungmin all stomped into the house, making quite a lot of noise as they did. They had returned from their shopping trip and when they glanced at the clock, it read '8PM'.

They all carried numerous bags and Minho, Changbin and Jeongin carried even more as they climbed up the stairs to the door.

"Where's Yoonji and Chan hyung?" Jisung questioned, looking around the dorms for the two who had stayed behind.

Seungmin grasped the door knob of his and Yoonji's shared room and spotted a cockroach stealthily scaling the wall.

"Well, that explains a lot," He mumbled to Felix who poked his head in.

"Yoonji probably screamed and ran to Chan hyung," Felix smirked as Seungmin grabbed flip-flop and whacked the insect, causing it to drop dead on the floor.

"Seungmin!" Felix yelled "You murderer!"

The puppy-like boy shrugged. "It was going to end up dead anyway," He tossed the creature outside before they heard Hyunjin's voice holler through the interior.

"Guys! Come here!"

Immediately, the shopping group crowded around Chan's room, softening at the sight of their leader and female member cuddled together.

"Oh my God, Chan hyung's actually sleeping!" Minho whispered.

"That's a first," Changbin muttered.

"Let me take a photo," Jeongin pulled his phone out, snapping a shot of the two together.

"Leave them be," Hyunjin whispered, shutting the door gently.

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