Chapter 4- Trip to the Dean's

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It's been twelve days since the encounter at the coffee shop. Every time Spencer arrived to present a lecture; he would find himself periodically glancing at the back of the room. But he would be disappointed every time. He wasn't sure why he cared. That was the problem though. He didn't like not knowing.

Today was another day like this. He wrapped up his lecture on geo-profiling. Just as he was collecting his belongings, he heard his name being called from the back of the room. Straightening up he noticed a small, jovial man approaching his desk.

"Dr Reid I was hoping to catch you before you left campus." The man scooted around the hordes of students, who were attempting to leave the classroom. "I was wondering if you have time for me to discuss something with yourself regarding this class."

"Dean Thompson," Spencer welcomed. Glancing down at his watch quickly he replied "Yes of course, juts let me collect my things. Dare I ask, but will coffee be involved?" The Dean chuckled.

"Most definitely, son." Spencer raised his eyebrow but didn't say anything further. He had found it quite odd at first, when Dean Thompson called him 'son', but he had quickly gotten used to it.

Mere minutes later Spencer found himself walking along the corridors accompanied by Dean Thompson, who was babbling away. Spencer knew why the Dean wanted to talk. He had been avoiding the Dean for that very reason.

As they approached the Deans office Spencer noticed the official looking man, who he suspected was security. At that moment, he cut off the Dean's rambling and replaced it with his own question.

"Tight security you have here?" he mused, while gesturing to the man. The Dean stopped in his track to see what Spencer was pointing at.

"Oh no, dear boy," the Dean chuckled. "We may be a prestigious university, but we don't need that level of security." The Dean continued to strut through the corridor. Spencer scurried after him.

"So, who is he?" Spencer pressed on.

"Always curious aren't you Doctor." After a short pause, that made Spencer uncomfortable, the Dean laughed. "That why I like you. He is security for the most fascinating academic. She is conducting some spectacular research. It's the first of its kind. She received the go ahead from the health secretary to conduct research at universities and labs across the US, and for now she is with us. As for the security, some people aren't too happy about that non-US citizen was receiving 'special treatment'. You can imagine the rest. Due to the nature of the project, she is travelling with a small entourage of colleagues that are helping her research. You may have noticed them around the campus. Lucky for us, I managed to persuade her to run an elective this semester too."

"You can be quite persuasive," Spencer said, with mild sarcasm. But Spencer wasn't paying much attention to the Dean anymore. The girl he met must be working on the project, not a student then, he thought. His own thoughts surprised him. Why would that matter?

"Speaking of my persuasion skills, I was hoping that my charm might persuade you to stay a little longer at Harvard." By this point they had reached the Dean's office and the Dean was pulling Spencer out of his thoughts.

"Dean Thompson, you know that I accepted this as a temporary position."

"I'm aware son. Please sit." He said as he gestured to a seat. "You know I'm just trying to plant the bug in your head before Davis at Caltech or Warren and Georgetown gets to you. I know you live and breathe for the BAU right now, but what about in the future. Flying off every other week is enjoyable right now. I think you'll find its not sustainable in the long run."

The Dean rambled on for 25 minutes, attempting to convince Spencer. But Spencer was not ready to leave the BAU anytime soon. Just as Spencer was beginning to lose hope on being saved, the Dean's assistant walked.

"Sir, I am sorry to interrupt put its 4pm, and Dr Daris and the research group are here."

"Oh Thomas, thank you. Dr Reid you should join me. I'm sure you will find it most illuminating. You might find her work interesting."

"In normal circumstance I would be elated by this invitation, but I'm technically on a case right now," he said as he rose from his seat.

"I understand Dr Reid. Duty calls. Perhaps another time then." The Dean followed his lead and rose from his seat too. He walked Spencer to the door.

Outside the office, Spencer noticed the security again, huddled with three others, presuming one of them must be Dr Daris, sitting on couches around a coffee table. When he stepped into the waiting room, they all lifted their eyes to glance at him, before they quickly resuming their hushed conversation.

He swiftly walked towards the door and stepped out into the hallway. As he did, he stopped sharply, inches away from the figure in front of him.

"Sorry," the figure muttered while tapping away on her phone, not looking up.

"Not a problem at all. I guess I owe you considering you paid for my coffee." This caught her attention and she looked up from her phone. Standing this close to her, he noticed for the first time how tall she was. Judging based on his own height he approximated that she was 5'10.

"Spencer," she replied with a smile. She too was surprised. She knew he was tall but standing mere inches from him she estimated he was 6'2. "I'm sorry I should have been watching where I was going. I'm just running a little late."

"For the meeting," he stated, angling his thumb over his shoulder to point to the Dean's office.

"Yes, actually," she replied with a comforting sigh.

"I'll let you go then." He shuffled around her, his eyes never leaving her, as they switched places at the door, so she was closer to the door. She gave him a grateful smile.

Just as she was reaching for the door handle Spencer interrupted her by reaching around her and placing his hand on the handle first, being careful not to touch her. She glanced to the right to look at Spencer. He could see her frowning a little. Maybe I shouldn't have done that he thought.

"Sorry," he mumbled once more. He released the door handle and returned to his original position. In unison, the girl also turned to face him. She looked at him puzzled.

"I'm at somewhat of a disadvantage, you know my name, but I don't know yours, and if we keep making a habit of bumping into each other then I feel I should know." Finishing his statement, he shook his head at himself, noticing that he was rambling again.

"Oh," she said. That was all she said. Oh, what did that mean he thought.

The door behind her opened

"G, the meeting?" The short lady implored from behind her.

"Yes, I'll be right in," she insisted. The lady narrowed her eyes at Spencer but closed the door all the same.

"I'm Gia," she replied. Spencer was still analysing the suspicious look he had got from the lady on the other side of the door, that he missed what she said. All that came out his mouth was "huh?"

She laugher, her cheeks pulling up to her eyes when she did and a dimple appearing on the right side of her mouth.

"My name is Gia," she repeated. Before Spencer could apologise for the third time for not paying attention, she spoke up again. "It's okay, Anna has that effect on people," she giggled referring to the short lady. "I have to go. Nice seeing you again Spencer."

"You to Gia." Spencer was left waving at the door after Gia went through the door, with a massive grin plastered on his face.

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