Chapter 52- 4 months later

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4 Months Later

Gia shuffled out of the tube and onto the crowded platform. She got onto the escalator out of the underground and readied her umbrella, the smell of the rain wafted through. Stepping out into the fresh air she opened her umbrella, shielding her from the torrential rain. She began the short walk from the tube station to her building. Because of the weather the paths were clear, and she didn't have to slow down and weave through people. She walked on the far right to avoid getting splashed by passing cars.

She only slowed when she turned onto her street and saw a familiar figure standing under the porch of her apartment building. She walked up to the gate. Spencer leaned back of the pillar and nodded at the doorman. He waved shyly at her. She waved back and slowly approached him.

"You found me," she blinked rapidly.

"I couldn't help it." Spencer stepped out of the porch and into the rain. His hair immediately flattened as droplet fell from it.

He steps closer to Gia. He took her free hand in his and pulled her closer. Gia raised the umbrella accommodating Spencer's height. Spencer wasted no time caught Gia's chin. "I tried to not think about you. I couldn't do it." Spencer leaned in kissed Gia softly on the lips.

Gia released her hand from Spencer's and wiped the water droplets that were dripping down his face. "Do you want to come in?" She pointed to the door.

"Absolutely," he grinned back.

Gia stepped under the porch with Spencer. She closed the umbrella, shaking it out and gratefully handing it to the doorman, who stowed it away.

Gia took Spencer's hand and let him into her apartment building and up the lift to her flat.

"So this is where you live?" Spencer breathed out when he saw the apartment with views over London.

"Yeah, sometimes. When I'm in London." Gia's voice grew louder as she approached from the kitchen with a coffee Spencer and hot tea for her.

"So, you move around a lot."

"You already knew that Spencer." She sipped her tea.

Spencer cleared his throat. "Why did you leave?"

Gia almost choked on her tea. "I don't know. I suppose I had some unfinished business," she stuttered.

"You just left though. We... We slept together and then you left," spencer exclaimed.

"I know what happened Spencer," she whispered back.

"Tell me the truth then." Spencer begged.

"Spencer, I just didn't want to drag you into all my mess. You don't even need to tell me, and I already know that you have been through enough in your life. Why would I add to your problems?"

"Gia, I want your problems to be my problems." Spencer stressed each word.

"You don't Spencer. Besides, they are handled for now."

"Would you have come back, when they were sorted, I mean." He rested his coffee cup on the table.

Gia bit her lip and looked down at her cup. "I don't know. I would have wanted to, but I don't know if I would have."

Spencer shuffled closer and laced his hands through her hair. "Where have you been Gia?"

Gia's eyes flickered up to his. She finally sighed and explained how she was in hiding for a short time, until she was able to infiltrate the cleansing cult so that the leaders could be identified.

"Gia, you do know that I profile serial killers for a living. I could have handled that,' Spencer chuckled when she had finished her side of the story.

"But I couldn't have handled you getting hurt because of me."

"It hurt more not seeing you," Spencer caressed Gia's cheek with his thumb. "I know this might sound completely rash and I know we haven't known each other long, but I already know that loving you is my destiny." Spencer paused for a second as Gia's mouth hung wide open. "Love is our true destiny. We do not find the meaning of life by ourselves alone- we find it with another. And I found mine with you, G." Spencer slid off the sofa and crouched with one knee on the ground in front of Gia. "I can't promise that I'll always be perfect, but I can promise too always be me." Spencer placed both his hands on Gia's cheeks making her gulp. "Will you do me the honour of being my girlfriend, Gia."

Gia sat frozen as Spencer waited for her answer. Finally, she gasped and nodded her head. Spencer sighed in relief and looped his arms around Gia pulling her into a hug. He inhaled the scent of her hair. "Never leave me again," he begged. "Please stay."

"Always, she whispered back into his ear. 

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