Chapter 22- The Interrogation

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On Monday morning Derek dragged Spencer though the courtyard.

"Morgan, I can walk by myself."

"I know. I'm just making sure you make it to my class."

Spencer stopped, "Wait... Are you nervous?" Spencer was surprised. "You are your sweating a little, your heart rate is raised, your body temperature is higher too and I'm sure that frown on your forehead has not disappeared all morning."

"Pretty boy I don't need this right now." Derek touched his forehead instinctively.

"Morgan, you are going to do great. You are Derek Morgan." Derek appreciated Spencer's little pep talk.

"Reid, I love you." Derek pulled Spencer into a hug.

"Alright enough of this. You are going to be late." Spencer patted Derek on the back encouraging him to get going.

They arrived at the circular auditorium.

"Why is it so dark?" Spencer looked around the room confused. "What exactly is your workshop on?"

Derek grabbed Spencer pulling him down the stairs. "Interrogation techniques."

Spencer mouth dropped open. It now registered to him. There was a table in the middle of the room with chairs either side. It was positioned that all the audience members could see everything. There were several screens turned on around the room that had cameras trained in on the two empty chairs. The lights were dimmed appropriately.

"This is a bit theatrical." Spencer quirked.

"You haven't seen the half of it yet Reid." They were laughing together when students began filing into the room.

"Welcome everyone, grab a seat and let the interrogation begin."

Derek goes onto to lay down the basics of interrogation for the next fifteen minutes.

"Enough of the lecture we need a more practical approach. Lucky for me I have brought along my lovely assistant." He pointed at Spencer. "Reid, get up here."

Spencer's eyes widened. "What are you doing," he whispered to Derek.

Derek herded Spencer closer to the table. "Just go with it," Derek hushed Spencer, while shooting a smile at the class, who were clapping for Spencer.

"Alright class. This is what's going to go down. Dr Reid here is going to showcase some of the techniques we have talked about today on an unlucky or they could be lucky volunteer." He looked over at Spencer, "You ready."

Spencer shrugged his shoulders in defeat.

"Now for our lucky volunteer." Derek rubs his hand together mischievously, scanning the room. He paces up the stairs assessing the crowd. It just so happened that at that moment Dean Thompson walked into the room.

"I hope I haven't missed the headlining act."

"You are just in time Sir."

"Goody." Dean Thompson scuttled forward and patted Spence on the back before taking a seat at the front. "I have a guest joining me momentarily too."

As if on cue the door opened again.

"Gia. Lovely to see you again." Derek greeted. Spencer craned his neck around to see Gia standing at the top of the stairs.

"Same to you Derek." Her reply is friendly buy cautious.

"Glad you could join us. I have the perfect seat for you." Derek hops down the stairs and slides in front of the table. "Gia. How spontaneous would you say you are?" Flashing a cheeky grin at her.

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