Chapter 47- Recruiter

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Spencer adjusted his tuxedo in the small mirror of the field office bathroom. He ran his hand through his hair.

"Reid, you good?" Derek tapped on the bathroom door.

"Yeah, Morgan. I'll be out in a minute." Spencer looked away from the mirror.

Spencer wriggled his watch on his wrist and twisted the ring on his pinkie finger as he exited the bathroom.

"You clean up well, Pretty Boy." Derek pushed himself off the wall he was leaning against.

"Morgan." Spencer sighed wearily.

Derek caught Spencer's arm. "Reid, don't be reckless." Spencer rolled his eyes. "Reid, I'm serious." Derek dropped Spencer's arm and walked down the hall.

"Reid, over her." Hotch waved Spencer over. "These are your comms."

"We know security is going to be tight so you might have to ditch them. I'm going to keep tabs on your phone if that happens." Penelope interjected.

"That means keep it on you at all times," Hotch warned.

"Got it." Spencer put his thumbs up. "Go in, see what I find and get out. Don't insert myself. Don't draw too much attention."

"Spencer. This is serious," JJ patted Spencer's back.

"I am being serious." Spencer blinked plainly. Spencer took the earpiece from Hotch and left for the car that was waiting to take him to the gala.

The driver pulled up outside the venue.

Spencer made his way into the party, passing through multiple security checkpoints. Luckily, his comms weren't detected.

As he entered the main ballroom, he grabbed champagne flute off a tray.

"I don't think drinking is a good idea." Hotch muttered through the earpiece.

Spencer slightly scoffed to himself. He wasn't planning on drinking it. Gia is the one that had told him about this ploy. Hold a drink and no one bothers you.

Spencer surveyed the room, scouting the best spot for him to watch and observe. He settled on a seat on the corner of the bar, where he could see the whole room.

He watched as Francesca bounced around the room greeting people with a gentleman they had identified as Enzo Ricci, latched onto her arm. It wasn't long before Francesca's vision settled on Spencer. She tugged her husband's arm and walked him over to Spencer.

"Dr Reid, I'm glad you could make it." She grinned at Spencer.

"Nice to see you again, Mrs Ricci."

Francesca waved her hand. "Call me Francesca. This is my husband Enzo. He is the current President of the Academy."

"So, you are the Dr Reid that has captured my wife's attention." Enzo extended his hand to Spencer. Spencer looked at the extended hand.

"A pleasure to be acquainted." Spencer firmly gripped the champagne flute in his right hand and kept his left hand in pocket. "I don't participate in handshakes. I hope that doesn't offend you." Spencer added boldly.

Enzo pulled his hand back. "No at all. What is that you do Dr Reid?"

"You can just call me Spencer. Dr Reid makes me feel like I'm at work. I'm not going to insult your intelligence. You invited me here. I think you already know."

"That we do," Enzo confirmed. "You know it was actually my younger brother, Carlo, that bought you to our attention."

Spencer's head quirked. "Really. How so?"

"He heard about your interest in magic and counting cards. It didn't take him long to find out everything he need to know."

"I see. I gather he liked what he found out." Spencer shifted in his seat.

"Evidently. Carlo had made it his mission to find the most beautiful minds and to cultivate them. He was in charge of the guest list tonight." Enzo looked around the room to see if he could point out Carlo.

"He is your recruiter." Spencer proclaimed.

"You make it sound almost sinister."

Spencer scoffed at the thought that it could be anything else.

A man tapped Enzo on the shoulder and whispered something to him. Francesca caught on and continued the conversation. Spencer conversed with Francesca but kept his eyes on Enzo. He watched as Enzo glanced up at the gallery. He followed his gaze. Spencer froze. He saw Gia being escorted through the gallery. Spencer almost choked on air. He tried to recover quickly and not draw anymore attention.

"Are you okay, Spencer." Francesca asked.

"Oh... yeah. I'm fine. If you'll excuse me, I'm going to find a bathroom." Spencer rose from the chair and abandoned his glass on the bar.

"Of course." Francesca stepped aside letting him pass by.

"It's time, darling," Enzo linked his arm with Francesca's and the couple walked up the staircase and up to the gallery.

Spencer leaned against pillar; his eyes flickered up at the gallery. He silently slipped up the service stairs and glanced across the gallery.

"Guys," he whispered getting the trams attention.

"We're hear Reid," Penelope assured him.

"They are heading up into a room of the gallery. I saw security escorting people into the room. Garcia can you get the blueprints of this building."

"Already done Reid. The whole gallery is just a wraparound room." Garcia confirmed.

"All the other doors must be locked. They only have security at the west wing doors." Spencer muttered to himself and the team.

"Reid," Hotch interjected. "All we need is visual conformation that all five of them are there. SWAT is already working on breech paths."

"Yes, sir." Spencer leaned back against the wall pretending to be on his phone. He noticed service staff exiting the service elevator armed with magnums of champagne. Spencer ran his hand over his facial hair and slinked behind the staff and slipped in through the door and into the service area.

The staff were so busy pouring champagne and perfecting canapes that they did not notice Spencer stumble into the service quarters. Spencer straightened his clothes and slipped out into the main room. He witnessed the occupants of the room gathering around a large screen. Spencer meandered into the shadows and slouched against the back wall. It felt like hours, but in reality, it had been fifteen minutes. The lights dimmed further. An introduction video began to play on the projector screen. The lights form the screen illuminated faces in the crowd. Spencer's hand dropped form his chin. His eyes scanned the faces.

"It's them Hotch." He urgently expressed.

"Details Reid. SWAT need's details."

Spencer cleared his throat. "South-west side of the building. They have set up a screening room. There are around 90 guests and 15 service staff members. Victims are surrounded seven security members. They are seated at a round table adjacent to the window as follows. Jack Holden, black suit with a navy tie. Evangeline Condor, black tea length dress. Noah Williams, black tuxedo. Gia Daris, long red dress. Anna Beckett, white jumpsuit."

"Got it Reid. SWAT is ready to breach. Pull the fire alarm. If you right that will separate the guests from the victims and unsubs."

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