Chapter 10- A Surprise Visit

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Spencer spent the rest of his day splitting his time between his office and his lecture room. Even as he tried to occupy his mind, his mind kept drifting back switching between what Elena said and his conversation with Gia.

After his final lecture of the day, he slumped back into the chair that sat behind the lecture room desk. He was taking a breather, waiting for the last of his students to leave the room, when he saw Gia manoeuvre around the exiting students and comes to a halt at the top of the stairs. She waved to catch Spencer attention. Little did she know that she already had it. She wrapped her puffy coat that she has worn over her sweats, tighter around her body and signalled him to something on his desk, before answering her phone and turning to leave the room.

When Spencer looked down, he notices an envelope on his desk, with a sticky note attached to the front, which read:

Hi Spencer,

I must have just missed you.

Sorry for being weird earlier.

I just wanted to drop you some

of the things I've been working on.

Would love to hear your opinion.

G x

His heart skipped a beat. May be even several beats. He put the note on the inside cover of the book he was reading and investigated the contents of the envelope. He was fully immersed in his reading that he felt like Gia was sitting opposite him and telling him first-hand. The envelope contained more than just her research. She had trusted him with her notes. It was like he could see how her mind was working. The doodles she made on the side of the pages. The corrections and corrections of correction. The notes she made to herself in the margins and the aggravated circling, underlining and highlighting of certain texts.

He was so enamoured that he didn't detect a figure enter the room and walk down the steps, calling out to him.

"Reid are you okay man? I've been calling out to you for like a minute," they called out again, the voice laced with concern.

"Morgan?" Spencer pondered out loud, before looking up and seeing Derek in the flesh. "What are you doing here?"

"Surprise, my brother. Although I think you surprised me. I waited outside your apartment for an hour. I called you, left you messages. I was starting to think you got kidnapped. When it hit eight. I decided to come here."

"Wait 8 pm," Spencer exclaimed, looking down at his watch. His lecture has finished at six. He had just sat there for close to two hours reading and re-reading Gia's work.

"They are working you too hard," Derek disapprovingly expressed. "Come on, let's go," he beckoned, as he started picking up Spencer's things.

"Where?" Spencer pulled a mystified face.

"To get you a psych eval from a bottle of bourbon. Now come on."

Spencer's facial expression changed from puzzlement to disapproval.

"I don't do that Morgan," he stated. "And just so you know, at least a third of people in therapy right now suffer from alcoholism. Less than 20% of them will remain sober for more than a year. It's not a joke. And that is only the people getting help. Those who don't..."

"Just come on Reid. I need a drink if have to sit through your statistics lesson," Morgan groaned, nudging Spencer forward.

The pair arrived at Spencer's car. Morgan immediately took the keys off Spencer before he could unlock the door.

"Oh no," Morgan pestered. "I'll drive. I don't want to die right now."

"Morgan, you do know if your drinking, I have to drive us back later," Spencer pointed out.

"I know, but by then, hopefully, I won't care," Morgan laughed, as he slid into the driver's seat. Spencer rolled his eyes and followed suit, taking the passenger seat.

"I know why you are here Morgan."

"I don't know what you're talking about," Morgan denied.

"Don't even pretend that you came here because you want to spend time with me on one of your very few days off." Spencer's eyebrows were raised in suspicion.

"What I can't come and surprise my friend?"

"You can, but I know you would rather be hitting up all the clubs in DC with Gina from Cancun. Not talking my off a ledge."

"First of all, me and Gina from Cancun isn't a thing. Secondly, why do you need talking off a ledge. Thirdly, I want to know what the clubs in Boston are like." Morgan's eyes mischievously lite up.

"Well, have fun doing that solo, because I have a lot of work to do. I'm swamped. So, if you could just drop me off at home..." Spencer shifted his whole body in his seat, as he watched the scenery outside the car trail off in the opposite direction to his apartment.

"Reid, we both know you can finish marking assignments in one sitting. I just want to catch up. Find out what's going on in my friend's life. The whole team misses you. They were all ready to come this weekend, but I talked them down. Just you me and me brother." He lightly punched Spencer's arm. Spencer styled it out, but it took him by surprise.

"Alright, alright, alright. How's Quantico?"

Derek launched into his update and the entire ride to the bar was filled with chatter from Derek and facts from Spencer.

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