Chapter 46- Enough Pleasantries

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Spencer stormed into the field office, soaking from the rain.

He rushed towards Penelope, shouting words and catching everyone's attention.

"Reid, I can't understand a word you're saying. Calm down." Penelope was almost hyperventilating hearing Spencer.

"Okay, okay." Spencer slowed his breathing. "I saw her. Umm search up Francesca Ricci." Penelope followed his instructions and once she was done, she angled the screen towards him.

"That's her Spencer. We didn't catch her on facial recognition because the image is unclear. That's strange there is no record of her entering the US. Her last recorded location was Italy, close to the Vatican crossing. That was almost six months ago. After that nothing." Penelope read off the screen.

"Reid, how did you find her?" Hotch sat in the sat next to Spencer.

"I didn't really," Spencer stuttered. "It's almost as if she found me." Spencer went on to explain the chance encounter he had in the coffee shop.

"Well, Reid. It looks like you get your wish. You're going in." Hotch got off his seat and began placing call after call.

"Guys, you need to see this," Penelope's voice quivered.

Her eyes were fixed to the screen.

The five displays that had been playing on the live stream originally had been cut off and replaced by just one image. Anna, Jack, Evie and Noah where all sat at a long dinner table, uncomfortably glancing around. Gia was shown into the room. She was sombre and disorientated. When she stepped inside her mood picked up. She immediately waltzed over to Anna and hugged her.

"Gia," Anna sighed in relief. She inhaled Gia's scent. "I was so worried about you."

"Worried. Why were you worried?" Gia asked in confusion, moving around the table to hug the others.

"You don't know yet," Anna whispered, glancing to the guard at the door. Unsure if he heard her. "Have they been drugging you?"

"I had an IV," Gia replied.

Before Gia can think about it anymore. Mr and Mrs Ricci enter the room and take a seat at either end of the table.

"Gia, sweetheart take a seat. We are eating gnocchi. Your favourite." Francesca gestured for her to sit down.

"It is?" Gia questioned.

"Take a seat Gia," Mr Ricci repeated impatiently.

"Enzo," Francesca warned.

They all sat in silence at the table.

Until Gia asked, "Where is Lochlan?"

"He had to leave. His contract ended." Enzo voice was stifled.

"Leave. He would never leave like that. He always said the contract didn't end until I was back at home in England." Gia scoffed at the thought.

Enzo dropped his fork on his plate, making a loud clang. He centred his eyes on Francesca. "I can't believe we are having to put up with their mistake. They should never have sent her away. If she had grown up with us. Around us. We would not be having these problems. Look at her. She will never do this by choice." Enzo's chair screeched as he skid it back.

"Enzo. The decision was made. There is nothing that can be done about that now. But she is still one of us. Even if she doesn't remember." Francesca kept her voice stable. She eyed the guests at their table who were trying to follow along.

"Remember. How would she remember. She was two years old when they shipped her off to England. She should have been with us." Enzo was enraged.


"No, Francesca, I have had enough of the pleasantries." Enzo grabbed the back rest of the chair Gia was sitting on. "Listen here. You are going to do exactly what we say otherwise your little friends here aren't going to make it past the weekend. You understand me. No funny business. Don't be a brat." Enzo slammed his fist on the table and then left the dining room.

"I am sorry out his outburst. He is just little stressed. More gnocchi anyone." The calm exterior of Francesca startled the diners. 

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