Chapter 6- Dr Daris' Lecture

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The next day Spencer arrived at his lecture room 5 minutes early to load up the case study. He thought that a more practical approach would be more prudent to teach them.

While he was setting up, he wandered around the room, being greeted by students as he placed props for his lecture around the room.

It was as he paced around the room that he couldn't help but eavesdrop, when he noticed the hushed excitement that flooded the room.

"I have to find a way to get into that class."

"You know that she is teaching in the Venus theatre. We can literally all attend."

"I know, but didn't you hear, the research group is taking on 15 students. I have to find a way into that class"

"I don't need to be in the research group. I just need to hear that British accent sing to me, just to make this university survivable."

"How did Dean Thompson can even persuade her? She didn't teach at Stanford, Yale, Johns Hopkins or Mayo. How did he mange to get her to teach here."

"No idea."

"I heard it's because the Dean's son is into her."

"I am not surprised. She radiates such supermodel energy, but she's like smart as well, can you imagine."

"I know right. She is pretty and smart and rich. How unfair is life."

Spencer's brows furrowed, but he carried on listening.

"Jealous much Jess."

"Shut up Ash."

"What, I'm just saying. You girls have Dr Reid to crush on. Leave Dr Daris for our imaginations."

And here Spencer thought it was his passing of knowledge that filled his class every day.

"I'm just saying. If they are going to keep bringing in young, hot and smart lecturers, we are all going to start failing because of the distraction."

"That's not what I'm worried about." The other students looked on at this student, perplexed. The student continued,

"If people like Dr Reid and Dr Daris exist, they are setting the bar fricken high."

"You know what you're right. Just last night my girl told me she wished my jawline was sharper and that I could recite the Harry Potter books to her after only reading them once."

This generated a laugh from the crowd.

"Oh god, maybe you're right. How do people like that exist?" The whole group sighed, not speaking another word.

Spencer used that as his cue to begin his case study.

In the following hour, Spencer introduced a solved case, that the team had worked on the previous year, and split the class into groups. By the end of the lecture, although no one had manged to solve the case in their groups, he could tell that they had enjoyed the challenge.

He was expecting a ton of questions when his lecture adjourned, but he found himself staring at the class in astonishment as students rushed to collect their belonging and exit the room.

"In a hurry today," he mused as he picked up his messenger bag and for the first time was able to leave the room before all the students did.

"Yes Doctor. You must have heard that the research group are putting on some workshops this semester. Or while they are here anyways," Grace Johnson said.

"Yeso, so I have heard," he replied his eyes zeroing in on the crowd of students heading to the Venus theatre.

Spencer soon found his feet pulling him towards the Venus theatre too, as opposed to his office, where he had originally been intending to go.

As he got closer, he could see the room filled with students and even member of the faculty. The seats were full. People were standing along the back. Some people were perched on tables and others sat lining the sides of the stairs. He looked around bemused, while he stood at the door. He noticed a series of cameras and journalists surrounding the cameras too.

Taking in the scene, his phone alerted him. He read the message.

New case.

Sent you files.

Flying to Arizona.

Will call in 20 minutes when on the jet.

Garcia will loop you in.


He pocketed the phone, pushing a piece of his hair that had swung down into his periphery, behind his ear. He felt a tap on his shoulder. Normally he would cringe away from this type of interaction, but something felt comforting about this touch.

He turned as was met by gentle smile.

"Spencer," Gia said. "Fancy seeing you here. Come to see if I picked up any tips after seeing you lecturing."

"No," he chuckled. "Although I would like to hear what I might have taught you." He looked behind Gia and saw the four other members of the research group. She followed he gaze and saw what he was looking at.

"Oh, sorry guys. You head on in. I'll be right there." Hearing this, the group, still quietly talking amongst themselves, stepped into the room and down the stairs to the front of the amphitheatre style lecture room. Spencer wondered how the short stern looking lady, Anna, gave off 'supermodel energy'. I guess I don't really know what supermodel energy is, he though to himself, making a mental note to ask JJ or Garcia. He had noticed, that in the very few encounters he had had with Anna she was not the friendliest. I supposed leading a stressful project and getting death threats wouldn't make you the most chipper, he thought to himself once again.

"Should I be expecting feedback when the lecture is over?" Gia curiously quizzed, but the cheeky smirk on her face gave away that she was teasing.

"I wish I could, but unfortunately I won't be able to stay. The boss calls," he responded, surprised by the melancholy in his own voice. At the same time, he noticed disappointment flash across Gia's face, although her friendly face remained the same. Did she want him to be there, he pondered. No, she probably just wants the feedback, he reconciled.

"But I hope to catch the first few minutes," he rectified. He was overjoyed when he saw her eyes light up.

"I better hop to it then. Have fun working Spencer," she replied as she stepped around him, into the room. She gracefully bounded down the steps. As she did her hair, which was pulled back into high ponytail swished behind her.

Spencer watched on, leaning on the door frame, for several minutes, as the research group set up. He couldn't help but smile as he saw Gia glide across the centre floor with a young gentleman, that was also part of the research group, at her side, as students asked them questions before they began.

Moments later Anna beckoned them over, signalling that they were ready.

Gia walked to the podium and stood along with the rest of the researchers.

Spencer indulged in the 7 minutes and 38 seconds he allowed himself to stay and listen. As he was leaving, he saw someone raise their hand.

"Yes?" one of the researchers asked.

"Dr Daris, is it true that you also working on accelerated tissue regeneration, and it's actually working?"

He heard Gia's light chuckle from the front of the room and Anna's disapproving grunt.

"Whoever told you that?" Gia laughed

"Come on Dr Daris, if anyone can do it is you." The student prodded.

"I guess you'll find out." Spencer was sure it was Gia he heard answer. He didn't think too much further and left. He didn't want to be late for the call. Being called out for being distracted again was not on his agenda for the day.

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