Chapter 21- The call

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Back at Spencer's apartment Derek sat across from a pacing Spencer.

"Oh, this is going to be good. Can you put it on speaker?" Derek was thoroughly amused when Spencer told him he was going to call Cami right away.

"What? No!" Spencer found Cami's number in his phone, and dialled it, bringing it up to his ear and frowning at Derek.

The phone only rang once before Cami's piercing voice travelled through the receiver. Derek was smug. Turns out Spencer didn't have to put it on speaker, he could hear anyway.

"Spencie" she screamed down the phone. "Would you believe I was just thinking about you. Marcus proposed to Taylor. You remember her right. My roommate from college. She was so annoying, but she asked me to be her maid of honour. Obvs I said yes. So, congratulations for being the date of the most stunning maid of honour to ever exist. I hope this doesn't mean I have to ask her to be maid of honour at our wedding, she is such a clutz."

Derek laughed out loud when he heard what Cami was saying.

"Is someone with you?" She asked.

"Uh... yeah Morgan came up."

"Oh yeah right. You are out of town. I didn't realise you were accepting visitors."

"I'm not," he hurriedly added.

"JJ's not there is she?" A hint of jealousy radiated through the phone.

"What?... No. Just Derek. Listen I called you because..." Before he could get to the point, she interrupted him.

"Because you miss me soooooo much. How could you not? Just come back already."

"No. You're not listening." Spencer was getting frustrated. Cami kept going off on a tangent that centred around herself, not letting Spencer get a word in edge ways.

"Cami will you just listen!" Spencer's voice rattled. He was so serious that Derek's smugness faded and was replaced with straight face. Spencer calmed down and went on, "It has been brought to my attention that I may have mislead you after our last conversation."

"What are you talking about Spencie?" He cringed when she called him that.

"Please just let me finish Cami," he sighed, trying his best not just hung up the phone and abandon the talk. "What I meant when I said I was leaving was that whatever it was that we were doing was done. I mean we weren't really together anyway but I'm just clarifying that us is not a thing. Do you understand what I mean now?" He tried to sound unpatronizing, but it wasn't working very well.

"Are you serious?" Cami screeched down the phone.

"Cami, I thought you knew. We spoke about this months ago. I explicitly had the let's just be friend conversation. We are not right for each other. We don't have much in common. We hardly spoke. I just don't have feeling like that for you. You need something else. As for me I..."

Cami cut him off, "What? I'm not good enough for you?"

"Actually, I was going to say I'm not in the right place for this. Good enough? Never think that for anyone. Be you. But find the person that you can be you with and they whole heartedly accept it. That's not me, it can't be me. Okay?"

"Whatever." Spencer could hear her the rage in her voice. "You know what Spencer, you're a dick. Too caught up in your own ego. You just want to pine after Miss I'm so blond JJ that you can't see anything else."

"Huh. What are you talking about? JJ is the one who persuaded me to go on that first date with you. I should have said no then." Spencer was now enraged. Shortly after that she ended the call.

Spencer hand instinctively went up to his forehead. That short conversation had given him a headache. "I'm not exactly sure how that went." He burrowed his head deeper into his hands.

"You and me both brother," Derek comforted him.

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