Chapter 7- Invitation

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Spencer had scurried as quickly as he could back to his office on campus. He sat at the desk and booted up his laptop.

And he did it just in time. A video call form Garcia light up his screen almost immediately after logging in.

"Thanks for getting on at short notice Reid," Hotch said, as Spencer saw him pop up on the screen. Hotch was taking off his suit jacket to get more comfortable on the jet, before sliding into the seat next to Rossi.

"Somehow the kid can make it on time, but a certain someone certainly took a long time," Rossi teased Morgan out loud so that Morgan could hear as he put his go bag in storage.

"Settle down boys," JJ mothered as she heard Morgan huffing. Emily patted Morgan on the back reassuringly, but her face was patronizing.

"Alright, we got this case in from Arizona. Garcia has been keeping tabs after the first body was found on my request. The lead detective thought it might be serial and contacted us. Turned out she was right. Third body was found this morning. Garcia," he said signalling for her to takeover.

"Yes, sir. In your files are all the details about the first two crimes scenes, as I get photos of the third, I'll send them over, but you're probably going to see it in person when you get there. First victim, Alyssa Coldwater, 28, died of asphyxiation. She was actually found second but ME confirmed she was the first. Second, Brent Schneider, 35, same cause of death. The difference is that Alyssa likely died of manual strangulation, by hand and Brent by oxygen deprivation."

"The third victim?" Rossi asked.

"Ah yes," Garcia nodded. "Professor Jillian Holt, 48. After the preliminary examination, ME is calling it manual asphyxiation, but with use of a murder weapon like a rope or chain or something. They are still running tests," she concluded.

"Doesn't look like there is any link between the victims," Morgan announced.

"You're right Morgan," Prentis says. "They are all different ages, different background, different lifestyles. Brent was a father of two and Alyssa a hostess at a high-end restaurant. Why do we think these cases are linked?"

"Aside from all the deaths being declared asphyxiation. Two weeks prior to each death, based on the ME's prediction. The victim received a gift," Hotch said and at the moment Garcia pulled up the pictures. Hotch went on. "They received a plant and a message attached saying "Breath while you can Bitch!"

"Okay, that's dark," JJ choked out.

"There has to be a connection between them," Spencer pointed out.

"Maybe the unsub is the connection," Morgan suggested.

"Maybe, but asphyxiation, particularly manual asphyxiation is personal. This person is watching the life leave the body of these people. There has to be some moment that links all these people together."

"I agree with Reid," Hotch nodded. "We need to do some digging. When we arrive, Garcia check into the history of the victims. See if there is any crossover. Prentis and Morgan head to the new crime scene and see what you find. Me, Dave and JJ will go to the precinct, set up and start talking to the families and see what we can come up with. Reid can you check into the plants that were being sent. They all received a different plant. That may have some significance." Every individual in the team nods in agreement.

"Well, nothing we can do till we get there," Morgan grins. The devilish smile was already haunting Spencer. He knew it was directed at him. "Pretty boy what's this I hear about a party."

"JJ, you told him," Spencer cried out.

"I'm sorry Spence, but I don't understand why you don't want to go. When I told Will, even he was surprised, and you know Will nothing makes him lose his shit."

"You told Will as well. JJ who did you not tell? Anyway, it's just a party," Spencer sighed. "Not exactly my thing. Imagine 500 plus people all hoarded in close proximity in one humid room. The microbes will be having a field day."

"What's going on?" Emily quizzed.

"Spence got invited to the annual Harvard Fete by the Dean," JJ proudly added.

"Huh?" Emily responded, puzzled.

"It's an event held at Harvard every year. Invite only. Basically, anyone who is anyone at Harvard or who has ever been to Harvard, is invited. Alumni, faculty, promising students and VIP guests. They all get invited," Rossi explained.

"But the kid doesn't want to go," Morgan shouted out in disappointment. "When will this kid learn," he sighed.

"Reid, it sounds perfect. All those scholars in one room. Isn't this the perfect time to socialise?" Emily added.

"Emily, not you as well," Spencer cried out.

"I heard that it turns into a rager," Morgan chuckles.

"At Harvard," JJ said, with her eyebrow raised

"Oh yeah," Rossi agrees.

"You've been?" Emily said looking at Rossi curiously. Rossi just looked at her smugly.

"All the more reason why I'm not going," Spencer chimed in.

"Spencer, we love you, put you have to get out man. Live a little. You are the youngest out of all us, but you act like you have thirty years on us," Morgan pleaded.

"When is it?" Garcia asked.

"Not this Saturday, the Saturday after," Spencer mumbled back.

Hotch could sense the strain in Spencer voice.

"Perfect, that gives Reid a week to mull it over. Now leave him alone," he prompted. "We'll call you if we get anything Reid." And with that the call ended.

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