Chapter 38- Reason to Stay

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Gia's townhouse was a mess. There were boxes everywhere. Clothes strewn around. Clusters of suitcases blocking the halls.

When Spencer rang the doorbell, chaos poured out the house when she opened the door.

"That bad," he chuckled, when he took in Gia's appearance. She was in her sweats, her hair piled pulled into a messy bun, with tendrils wildly spilling over her face.

"I didn't realise we had accumulated so much stuff." Gia's shoulders drooped.

Spencer realised what she had meant when he entered the house properly.

Music was blasting and every now and again someone would scuttle past, armed with stuff, throwing Spencer a wave and welcome before running off again.

"Where do we start?" Spencer hung his jacket and placed his bag on the floor.

"No," she said. Spencer responded with a confusion. "I'm not making you do it too. Besides, I'm basically done." Spencer gave her a doubtful look. "Seriously. Come, I'll show you." Gia led Spencer up the stairs towards her room.

She opened the door, letting Spencer in. He was impressed, on the surface it did appear that she had packed up all her things.

"See," she pointed out, following him into the room and closing the door, to block out the noise.

Spencer sat on the edge of the bed. "Does it feel strange?"

"What?" she asked releasing her from the bun and shaking it out.

"Going back."

"I suppose. I've been living out of suitcases for almost a year."

Spencer falls silent.

"Is something wrong?" She asked.

Spencer shook his head.


"Hmm." Spencer looked around the room and found a book on the bedside table. "You missed something." He picked up the book. His fingers running over lettered that embossed the book. "The Narrative of John Smith," he muttered. He knew it. He knew it well.

"You've read it." It was more of a statement than a question, but he nodded anyway. Gia shuffled closer to him, to read over his shoulder. Spencer begins reading the book out loud as Gia follows along, her eyes skimming the pages. However, Spencer isn't reading from the page, but rather reciting from memory. He watches Gia follow along as each sentence falls from his lips.

She adjusts herself beside him and glances up at him. She notices that he is watching her, not looking at the pages. "What?"

"You face. It's just cute when you do that."


"When you rest you hand against your face. Your cheeks puffed out slightly. Your bottom lip jutted out slightly."

Gia's cheek flood red. She decided to overlook his words and focus her attention back on the book. Unconsciously she can feel that Spencer is still looking at her. Spencer snaps the book shut. Gia's head turns back to him.

All of a sudden, Spencer leans in closer. Gia's breathing hitches. His face his inches from her and he peers down at his. One of his hand's boxes her down, positioned over her torso. Spencer intently stares into her eyes.

"What are you doing?" she gulped. He rapidly blinked and pulled back. Spencer placed the book back on the table. Gia patiently waits for an answer.

Spencer licks his lips, before speaking, hesitantly. "Why are you going back to England?"

"What?" she chuckled. "Because I live there," she pointed out.

"And if you didn't?"

"I'm not sure I follow."

"What if you lived here?"

"Ummmm," she sighed, still puzzled. "Well, I don't. And there is not exactly anything keeping me here," she contemplated.

"I hope I can change that," he gulped under his breath. Spencer moved closer again, gently caressing the side of her face and turning her towards him. He tucked her hair behind her ear. He gazed from her eyes to her lips. His thumb traced the edge of her mouth. He cupped her cheek, bringing his face closer, until their noses touched. Slowly his lips pressed against Gia's. Neither of them pulled back. When they did, Gia opened her eyes and was met with the blazing hazel of Spencer's eyes. It didn't last long. Spencer urgently leaned into her again. As slow as he was before, was how fast he was now. His hand snaked around her neck. His hands running through her hair, tugging gently. Gia's hand fell to her sides propping herself up. Gia moaned into his Spencer's embrace. Spencer hesitantly pulled back. Unsure what her reaction meant. Almost immediately, she leaned into him. Her hand slid up his arm. She draped her legs over his lap, climbing onto him. One arm latched onto his neck. The other slid to his chest, gripping onto his shirt collar. She tugged his shirt, pulling him to her lips. She breathlessly linked her hands behind his neck. Spencer lay backwards, bring Gia with him, as his back hit the bed and his hands brushed Gia's back. Spencer rolled over, flipping Gia onto her back and he hovered over her.

"I hope can be your reason to stay."

Gia teeth scrapped her bottom lip. She nodded with a smile. Her fingers laced with his curls. Their lips met each other again.

It wasn't until they heard a knock on the door that they climbed off each other. Quickly adjusting their appearances. 


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