Chapter 12- Club Soda

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Not moments after Spencer had accidently embarrassed himself in front of Derek, the music in the bar cut off, and a synchronised groan spread through the bar. Spencer turned to Derek, who he found was already facing him.

At that moment a scuffle ensued by the DJ booth.

"No give me the mic." Derek and Spencer turned to see a woman in a red dress and blond bob wrestling a microphone form the DJ.

"I didn't realise we would get a show here," Derek joked with Spencer, clearing the air.

"I am so happy today," the woman shouted into the microphone. It was then that Spencer realised it was Anna. The short stern woman appearance was so different from her day-to-day look, that he almost did not recognise her. "I have dreamed of this day for the last two years. No probably longer." Her speech was slightly slurred. "So, I want to thank you, and you and you. All of you." She shouted jabbing her fingers in the air.

Spencer laughed at the scene unfolding, when Derek nudged him and jutted his head towards the Daris security guy, who was bounding towards the stage, attempting to remove her.

"No. Lochlan. I want to speak," Anna yelled at the man.

The security man, named Lochlan, grimaced turned in the direction he had come from, presenting a pleading look to the group of people sat at his table.

"But most of all, I want to thank you G. I love that big, beautiful brain of yours. I have been in this industry for years. You were still in primary school then but look at you. Look what you have done. What you have helped us do. I love you; I love you; I love you," she announced.

"Okay, that's enough Anna," Lochlan grunted, guiding Anna off the stage and towards the large group, who were falling over with laughter.

"Oh my God, that might have been the best thing I have ever seen at a bar," Derek hooted. Just then Derek's phone screen lit up. The caller ID read Gina Cancun. Spencer raised his eyebrows.

"I thought that wasn't a thing."

"It isn't. At least I don't want it to be," Derek sighed. "I gotta handle this. Order me another," he requested, side stepping towards the exit.

Spencer motioned to the bartender and asked for another whiskey for Derek and another Club soda for him. He thought the bartender hadn't heard him because the bartender hadn't moved. He opened his mouth to repeat his order, when he was stopped in his tracks.

"Oh erm, same please," the familiar voice projected over the music.

Standing right next to Spencer in the space between his chair and Derek's chair was Gia.

She hadn't noticed Spencer yet. But she would soon. She would feel his stare cause the hairs on the back of her neck to stand up. He was mesmerised by the wave pattern of her hair, that had been shaped by her earlier braids. Her soft olive skin appeared to glow because of the sage coloured satin dress she was wearing. The square neckline and short puffy sleeves extenuating her collarbones.

Sure enough, Gia eyes met Spencer's soon after.

"Spencer? I almost didn't recognise you."

"Yeah... It's nothing," He self-consciously adjusted his sleeves.

"Is it weird if I say I kind of like it," she giggled.

"Ah no. Thank you," he replied. The stood in a moment of silence. "Your hair is the most perfect shade to compliment your skin tone," he blurted out.

"Umm... thanks, I think."

"I'm sorry that was weird." He averted his gaze from her.

"No. It's just no one has ever said that to me."

"It's true. It's actually fact. The undertones in your hair colour and skin colour align perfectly on the colour wheel. That's quite rare. Only 1.32% of the population have that. And to the naked eye it signals beauty to the brain."

"Wow, really. I don't know that. I am flattered."

Quickly changing the subject Spencer mentioned the envelope she had left him.

"I read it. Truthfully, I read it a few times. It was so interesting. It's amazing work," he said clearing his throat.

"Oh. It's very rudimentary right now. Needs a lot of work. I see many sleepless nights and obnoxiously early mornings in my future. And that's if my theories pan out," she exhaled, her voice trailing off at the end.

"They will," he reassured her.

"I think you are putting too much faith in me Dr Reid." She dropped her gaze to her hand, which were resting on the bar.

Instinctively, Spencer reached and placed his hand, tenderly, on top of hers.

"Don't do that," his gentle voice cooed. "You'll find away. I can just tell." She returned his compliment with a trusting smile.

In the corner of his eyes, he saw Derek walk back in through the door. He quickly pulled his hand back from Gia's, but not quick enough to alert Gia.

"So, you are all celebrating," he asked.

"Yeah. They deserve it. We have spent the better part of 6 months holed up in labs and offices. They deserve a bit of fun." The bartender slid over the four drinks. "Which is why I am reluctantly letting Anna have another drink even though we all know she had had enough."

"But your drinking soda? You don't want to celebrate."

"Who says you can't celebrate with a club soda. But to answer your question no. I'm not a big fan of alcohol. Makes my brain feel all fuzzy." Spencer jaw falls open, as she reciprocates his feeling towards alcohol. "Also are you judging me on my choice of drink when you are drinking the same thing."

"How do you know the whiskey isn't mine," he jested.

"Just an inclining," she smiled back.

Gia picked up the drinks and was about to step away, when Derek skidded to a stop in front of them.

"Sorry, all sorted out now," he explained to Spencer. "Who's your friend?" He asked inquisitively.

"Morgan this Gia. Gia, Derek Morgan."

"Nice to meet you Derek," she beamed.

"Same to you Gia. Did Spencer tell you I am not only his favourite colleague but also his best friend?" Derek's eyes fixed intensely on Spencer.

"You know he might have mentioned it," she played along. "Anyway, it was nice to see you both. Have a good rest of your night." And with that she walked away.

"So, what was all that about?" Derek asked as he hoisted himself back onto the bar stool.

"What?" Spencer asked, genuinely confused. Derek raised his eyebrows at spencer, pointedly.

"What? She came over to the bar to get a drink and I recognised her, and we started talking while she was waiting." Spencer continued.

"Okay. So, did I dream that you were holding her hand," Derek feigned contemplation.

"I didn't hold her hand," Spencer denied fiercely, until he remembered that he sort of did. "Okay that was out of context," he wailed, realising that Derek had seen him place his hand on hers.

"Okay, calm down pretty boy. I'm just teasing you." Derek resolved that Spencer would tell him in his own time. "Now let's gets this party started," Derek shouted, slapping Spencer on the back.

"Huh," Spencer thought. He thought that it was almost over, and he could go home, but he had clearly thought wrong.

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