Chapter 5- The Team's Ambush

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Arriving back at his apartment, stepping away from the frosty October air, Spencer shuddered when he removed his coat and scarf, placing them on the coat stand and basking in the warmth of his apartment.

While he stood there, he has a sudden craving for something sweet. He smiled to himself remembering his encounter with Gia in the coffee shop.

"Diabetes here I come," he muttered to himself.

Before he could indulge himself, his phone bought him back. Quickly answering it,

"Dr Reid," he said without looking at the caller id, while rifling through his cupboards, looking for anything with sugar.

"Ahh the Mighty Professor, have you forgotten us already?"

"Garcia," he stuttered. "No, of course not. I was just thinking about something?"

"Something's distracting Pretty Boy. Okay now this I got to hear." Spencer could hear Derek Morgan's voice pierced through the phone, followed by a chorus of laughter, that Spencer could only assume was the rest of the team.

"Let's focus on the case for now." Spencer exhaled in relief when he heard Hotch's saving graces. He wasn't in the right mind to handle Morgan's teasing right now.

He sat down at his desk and opened his laptop, much to his grimace. He had to use a laptop while he was consulting off site. He hated it.

He cleared his mind as team had begun to run through the details of the case. Quite quickly he found himself distracted again. He had already read over all the files when he had been sent them. Nothing they were saying was news to him.

Without even realising he found himself opening up a search browser on one side of his screen. He searched for the research that Dean Thompson had mentioned earlier that day. While he was scrolling through different articles, he came across a news article. He stopped scrolling, directing all his attention to a candid picture halfway down the article. He recognised the faces of the four individuals he had seen in the Dean's waiting room today, but most of all he recognised Gia. At that point, he abandoned reading the article and zoomed in on the picture. He verified that it was her. Her dimple and hair were unmistakeable. In the photo, much like the others in the photo, she was dressed for an event. Her hair pulled back into a low bun, but a few wispy pieces framed her face. She wore a floor length, fitted, black dress. Even in the picture he could see the thin, delicate straps adorned in crystals that held up the square neckline. He was admiring her amicable presence in the photograph as she greeted a group of young children, when he was brought out of his daydream by Emily,

"Reid, can you hear us?"

"Yeah, um, yeah," he responded, while clearing his throat.

"I hope the students are treating you well, Kid?" Rossi interjected; his genuine concern masked by light humour.

"I'm sure your fine, right Spence?" JJ. The concern in her voice was more obvious. It wasn't a secret that Spencer didn't like the Brass's decision for him to take some time off to teach and just consult remotely on cases. She was worried that it may be taking a toll on him. She was aware how much the BAU meant to Spencer. His whole life practically revolved around it, and it had been that way for quite some time.

"You guys don't have to worry. I'm doing great it's not that bad here. I guess I just needed to settle in, you know. Get to know the area, get comfortable with the classes and the people," he said trailing off at the end.

"The people?" Morgan mocking repeated. "Don't tell me that you actually like teaching the brats, not going to leave us, are you?" he joked.

"No. I don't intend to leave, and Morgan you know there are other people here, not just students."

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