Chapter 42- What are they doing?

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"Spencer, we need head back now. Mr Macdonald, we think you should come with us too." Hotch called out from the doorway.

Spencer speed walked out of the apartment, allowing the others to make their own way to the SUV.

The rode back to the field office in silence.

Their silence was short-lived. For when the returned to office, it was in chaos.

JJ met them in the hallway. "They are sedating them. All of them. At the same time. Garcia is checking logs, but the streams are timed now. We are going to lose visual."

Prentiss and Morgan joined them as they raced to Garcia's set up.

"Do you think they are preparing them for auction now," Derek asked.

Nobody responded.

They all crowded around Garcia, peering at the screen.

Like they had been told, the five of the displays depicted the kidnapped researcher's unconscious. All of them were now in rooms that looked like the room Gia was originally kept in.

"What are they doing?" Rossi pondered.

"Wait, what is that?" Spencer jabbed his finger at the screen. "Garcia can you make that box bigger." He signalled to Gia's display, but he couldn't say her name.

On the screen heavily kitted out guards held open the door. A man, in a three-piece suit and bow tie, and a woman, in gown and elaborate jewellery, entered the room, taking a position on either side of the bed that Gia lay on.

The team could see that they were talking amongst each other but, could not hear what they were saying.

"Garcia can you make the image clearer we could run facial recognition on these two," Hotch suggested.

"Yes sir."

"Can you do anything with audio?" Derek asked.

"I can try." Penelope began typing away. "Okay, it looks like the cameras do have audio capability. They did put up a firewall to stop audio streaming, but I think I got it. I won't be able to improve the sound quality though."

"That's fine Garcia, play it." Hotch hurried her along.

What they heard was not what they expected.

"I hate seeing her like this," the woman sighed.

"It won't be for long dear. She is going to save us." The man brushed Gia's dark hair away from her face. Then he turned to a guard at the door. "We will start with her. Call Dr Brennen." The guard affirmed and left the room. Only to return a few moments later with the lady they assumed was Dr Brennen.

Dr Brennen fiddles with the IV that was shooting into Gia's arm. "She is going to be groggy when she comes to. I have been lowering her doses remotely for quite some time. I figured you would want to speak to her first." The woman in the dress smiled at the doctor gratefully.

The room fell into silence. The trio waited and waited until finally Gia twitched. She fought to open her eyes. As soon as she opened them, she snapped them shut. The bright lights felt as though they were burning her iris'.

The woman in the dress gasped in elation. She dropped to sit on the bed beside Gia.

Gia moved her mouth, but no words came out.

"Darling, hand me that water." The man in the suit complied and handed the woman the glass. She lifted Gia's head off the pillow and helped her drink the water.

Gia's breaths deepened as her thirst was washed away. "Where am I? What happened?"

"We'll get to that honey. First can you tell me your name?" The woman stroked Gia's hair.

"Gia," she replied, almost unsure.

"Good. Do you remember me?"

Gia winced against the light.

"That's okay. You need to recover. We will tell you more when the time is right." The woman sighed and got off the bed. "Dr Brennen is going to take great care of you. Now before I leave to let you rest is there anything you want?"

"I need to call someone." Her voice raised, as panic set in.

The man urged her to lie back. "Stay still Gia. Everything is fine. Who do you need to call?" He soothed her.

"I promised I would call. And now I'm late."

"It's not too late honey. Who do you need to call?" the woman repeated the man's question. But she signalled Dr Brennen to calm Gia down.

"Spence," Gia sank further into the bed as Dr Brennen injected something into her IV, and then her voice trailed off.

The man waited to be sure that Gia was asleep. "Who is this Spence and why is she adamant to talk to him?" He paced the room. "You," he pointed to another guard. "find out what you can."

The guard exited the room.

"She has made connection. That is going to make his much harder," he exclaimed.

"We don't know that Darling. Let's see what they dig up." The woman hugged the man.

"We already made the mistake of leaving that security guy," the man shook his head disapprovingly.

The woman tutted. "Dr Brennen, please tell my husband that all is not lost yet." The doctor nodded in agreement. She turned back to her husband, "See. And we have the others. That will be enough to encourage her. Now come on we have guests." She held the man's arm and pulled him out of the room. "Take care of her Dr Brennen," the woman called out as she left.

Back at the field office, the team hopped into action.

"Garcia, run facial recognition. JJ, Reid, carry on working the message and see if Mr Macdonald can enlighten us on anything. Morgan, see what you can find out about that doctor. Prentiss, head to the airport. Check security cams. Dave and I have to speak with the task force to see what measure we need to take and also what the public is to be told about the situation. I just want to let you all know that the unofficial terror status shas been raised to critical, due to the nature of the work being conducted. This news should not leave the office, but of you want to find an excuse to keep you families at home. Please do so discreetly." Hotch scanned the room seeing all the drained faces. 

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