Chapter 24- The Fete

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In every spare moment throughout the week, he thought about the indescribable feeling he had felt on Monday.

He found that he was still thinking about it when Saturday rocked around, and he was getting ready for the Harvard Fete.

Before leaving Boston, Derek had coerced Spencer into getting a tuxedo. He sat in the back of his ride, adjusting his sleeves, just as the car pulled up to the motor court. His door was opened by the ushers and he stepped out of the car taking in the chaotic atmosphere.

The entire building and gardens were lit to the heavens. Spencer knew that the longer he stayed outside and observed his surrounding the more likely he was to head back to his apartment. He quickened his pace and walked to the entrance, where he was greeted by some fellow professors form the Criminology department.

Inside the ballroom was buzzing. He immediately grabbed a champagne flute that was offered by a waiter. He didn't plan on drinking it. He just needed something to occupy his hands. Spencer weaved through the cluster of people that were huddled around the room mingling as an orchestra played gently in the background. As awkward as he felt, Spencer didn't feel half as uncomfortable as he thought. He found himself bouncing around the room talking to people in all manner of fields that interested him. Spencer abundance of knowledge made it easy for him to carry a conversation. Little did he know he was charming the party goers with his charisma.

"Spencer? I thought that was you. Although you are definitely taller." A man called out from behind him.

"Nicholas. Wow it's been a long time."

"Yes, it has. You were fifteen when I last saw you." Nicholas was interrupted by someone walking over to him. It was Caleb.

"Mr Zanetti," Caleb called out to Nicholas. "Caleb Thompson." He held out his hand to Nicholas. After they shook hands Caleb acknowledged Spencer. "Dr Reid." Spencer returned his acknowledgment with a nod. "I was hoping to talk to you about that investment." Caleb queried.

Nicholas waved him off instantly. "Caleb. This is a party. I spend all my time working. Let me catch up with an old friend."

"Old friend?" Caleb asked.

"Spencer was my peer at Caltech. He was twelve then. Absolute Genius. He still is. Sometimes I see him on TV and I tell my kids that he went to college with me and they don't believe me." Caleb feigned a smile and nodded in disinterest. Luckily Dean Thompson stepped in to cover up his son's immaturity.

"Caleb. I'm glad to see you here. Your mother has been looking for you for that last hour." The Dean waited for Caleb to reluctantly walk away and Nicholas excused himself. Then he turned his attention to Spencer. "Dr Reid are you having a good time."

"Yes, thank you. This event is marvellous."

"I knew you would be. You know you were my project this time around."

"I'm sorry?"

"Every year there is always someone I have to nag and pester to get them to come along. This year that was you. I thought it was going to be the Daris researchers. But no. You took the biscuit." They both laughed in retrospect. Just then Dean Thompson shouted out, "Anna Beckett, how wonderful to see you." Dean Thompson sauntered over to the group of research that stood close together but were mingling with other guests. "Fantastic you are all together. Spencer you probably already know but this is the Daris team in all their glory. They are the hot gossip of the evening." Dean Thompson began gesturing towards each of the member introducing them.

"This is Dr Anna Beckett." Anna nodded, adjusted her earring, and greeted Spencer. "Noah Williams." Noah pocketed his phone and smiled at Spencer.

"Pleasure to meet you officially. I feel like you know me too well already after my mother embarrassed me." Noah attempted to ease Spencer's unrest, that had set in when he couldn't see Gia.

"Evangeline Condor." Dean Thompson continued.

"Oh no. Please call me Evie. Only my grandmother calls me Evangeline." Evie looped her arm through Noah's.

"Are you alright?" Noah asked Evie, quietly while Dean Thompson readied for his next introduction.


Noah didn't buy it. He looked at Spencer questioningly, anticipating Spencer to clarify if he thought Evie was lying too. Spencer did. He tried to follow along with Dean Thompson's conversation, but his eyes were following where Evie was looking. She uncomfortably glanced across the room with a fake smile plastered on her face.

"Jack Holden and Lochlan Macdonald." Dean Thompson waffled on.

"Dr Reid." Lochlan quirked. He extended his hand out to him. Spencer stared at his hand under the scrutiny of Lochlan's gaze. Spencer hesitantly removed his hand from his pocket.

"I have been looking all over for you guys. Thanks for leaving me with Prof Strum. She kept offering me a drink every two minutes." Lochlan dropped his hand and both him and Jack step aside to reveal Gia standing behind them. Gia was looking around the immediate vicinity aimlessly, pushing her hair behind her shoulder.

"And this is Gia Daris," Dean Thompson jumped in.

Gia turned back, surprised at the mention of her name. She saw Spencer. Spencer's breath faltered. Did he just say Daris, he thought.

"Oh, hello," she beamed. That's when she also notices Evie's shiftiness. She wordlessly quirks her head at Noah questioning what happened. Noah shrugged back. "Hey Spencer's on the champagne tonight," Gia joked, glancing sideways to see how Evie would react. Evie was still distracted.

"It's just for show." Spencer played along.

"Are you glad you came?" Gia asked.

"Errr yeah. It's actually been nice." Spencer replies, but his attention is caught by something in his periphery. His eyes narrow in realisation. A gentleman at the bar is leering at Evie. He saw that man the man was clearly drunk, drift closer to the group. The man intentionally walked into Evie. Spencer broke from his conversation with Gia. "Evie maybe you should stand her next to Gia for the picture," he improvised. Everyone frowned in confusion but complied. Evie stood beside Gia and Spencer took a picture. After that he stepped into the spot that Evie had been stood in before. "Some personal space sir," he jeered. The man was taken aback.

"What's she been saying," the stranger slurred aggressively jabbing his fingers at Evie. Now the group realised what was transpiring. Before Spencer could intervene, Gia spoke up her normal sweet voice replaced with curtness.

"I'm sorry?" Gia huffed. "Who exactly do you think you are talking about lie that? And for your information she hasn't said anything. I suppose there was nothing remarkable to say anyhow. No if you please," she pointed to the exit. Spencer took in the image before him. Even in rage she looked so cute he thought.

"You heard the lady," Spencer said, and waited as the man walked away defeated. "Sorry about that... I just noticed...I didn't mean to cause a scene."

"It's okay Dr Reid. You didn't. Thank you for noticing." Evie replied as she took Noah's arm in hers again.

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