Chapter 36- Ride

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"Spence?" JJ crouched beside him.

"Oh, hey JJ." Spencer sniffled.

"I'm taking you home Spence." JJ wrapped an arm around him to support him as he stumbled to his feet.

"No. No. No. What about Will and the boys?" Spencer slurred.

"The boys fall asleep. They are inside on the couch. I'll come back and pick them up." She walked Spencer to her car. They drove part the way in silence. "Spence, what's going on with you?"

"JJ... JJ... JJ. Why is love so complicated?" he whined.

"Love?" She quirked.

"Maybe it's just me." He mused. "I don't know what I'm doing." He slammed his head against the headrest.

"Spence what are you doing?" JJ angled her body towards Spencer,

"I don't know JJ. I don't know. Isn't that what I just said."

JJ parked the car outside Spencer's apartment building. "Why didn't you tell me?"

"JJ how could I have told you. I didn't know. I still don't know." Spencer struggled against his seatbelt.

"Tell me about her." JJ prompted.

"Where should I start?" Spencer gave up on the seat belt.

JJ shrugged. "Whatever first comes to your mind. How about her name?"

"Gia." He muttered.

"Okay. What does she do?" JJ asked slowly.

"She is a research scientist."

"Figures." JJ laughed. "Smart people find each other. How does she make you feel?"

"Like nothing else. I can't describe it JJ. There are no words in any dictionary that can articulate it."

JJ was curious. "How does she feel about you?"

"I don't know. I haven't asked her." Spencer once again drunkenly fought with his seat belt.

"Have you told her?"

"No." Spencer rolled his eyes. Are Derek and JJ reading from the same book?


"I don't know." Spencer enunciated each word.

JJ shook her head. "Spence, you know almost everything."

"Maybe I'm scared," he whispered.

"Of what?"

"This list is extensive. What if she doesn't feel the same. Then I've ruined a friendship. What if I lose her? My history isn't exactly pristine in that respect. She doesn't know things about me yet. What if I scare her away?" Spencer counted them off on his hand.

"Then she wasn't meant for you. You won't know until you try."

Spencer sucked in his breath. "You're right." Then he hiccupped. "Ohhhhhh... I drank so much. My head is going to hurt so much when I wake up."

"Go inside. Drink water. Sleep."

"You know studies have shown..."

"Spencer go," JJ demanded. 

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