Chapter 15- Errands

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After the commotion from earlier, Derek fell asleep once more in an attempt to recuperate.

Spencer lounged around his apartment reading, until his phone pinged from the kitchen counter. His stomach dropped. Reaching across the counter he cautiously eyed the screen. He didn't recognise the number.

"Dr Reid," he answered. He was awash with relief when the person on the phone spoke.

"Dr Reid, I'm calling from Le Livre Bookstore at Washington on 3rd. I hope you're having a good Saturday."

"Oh. Yes hello. I am, thank you."

"Good. This is a courtesy call to inform you that we have sourced the first edition of Great Expectations and an original copy of The Illustrated Man. Are you able to come and inspect them today? The next time the curator has availability is next Saturday."

"I can come today."

"Fantastic. Come down whenever you are able to before we close at 8pm."

"Will do. Thank you," he replied, ending the call.

He immediately popped the book he was reading on the table and collected his wallet, keys and coat.

He knocked on Derek's door.

"Sup," Derek's voice travelled through the door. Spencer opened the door and stepped into the room and saw Derek lying in the bed on his phone. "You going somewhere?"

"Yes. That's why I came in here. I'm just going out to run some errands. I have made coffee if you want it."

"Okay. I was hoping to go out for dinner later. Carry on our catch up. If we don't talk sober, JJ might strangle me," Derek suggested.

"I won't be too long. I'm just going to a bookstore at Washington on 3rd. We can go to dinner at 6:30," Spencer looked at his watch calculating that he had an hour and twenty minutes.


Spencer responded with a smile and left the room.

Within fifteen Spencer had arrived on foot at the bookstore. He had visited the store a few times since his move. It made this campus town feel more like a home. Since he was only teaching temporarily, he thought it unnecessary to bring all his reading material. But he would be lying to himself if he didn't admit that missed his makeshift library at home. The way the comforting smell of the pages would hug him when he would het home. That's not to say that he didn't squeeze as many books as he could into luggage when he packed. It also didn't stop him from buying more books.

It was on his last trip to the quirky bookstore that the owner had told him about a curator who he was friends with. The owner told spencer that she was a curator that could precure miracles. If someone wanted something, she could get it. Apparently, the owner's assumption was correct. Only nine days since that conversation, the curator had delivered on her promise.

Upon entering the bookstore, a bell ringing, Spencer was greeted by the store owner.

"Spencer, I told you she would find it," the owner said grinning, with his arms raised behind the encounter. Spencer thought that he was trying to give him a hug, but the owner controlled himself.

"I never doubted that Mr Colby," Spencer replied.

"She is set up in the back." Mr Colby motioned Spencer to follow him. "Abby, I'm heading to the back," he shouted over his shoulder.

Spencer followed Mr Colby, weaving through the towering bookshelves, to the back of the store. The owner stood in front of a glass pane that housed an elevator and pressed the call button. The lift could bee seen descending in front of them. In a way it comforted Spencer. Because the elevator was made enterally of glass, bar the floor, if they got stuck at least they could be seen.

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