Chapter 13- Last Night

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Spencer groaned as he turned in his bed, to avoid the sun beating down on his face. He strained his eyes, forcing them open to check the time. It was 1pm, but he still felt like death. He thought back to the evening before and the memories rushing back made him cringe.

Derek didn't let them get home till 4am. In fact, Spencer could still hear Derek snoring in the guest room. Spencer now recalled why he didn't go out with Morgan, and mentally vowed not to go again.

He slid out of the bed covers and shook his head in distain, realising he still had on the clothes he had worn the day before.

He padded over to the bathroom, almost tripping over several books he had sprawled on out the floor. Eventually, making it to the bathroom, without injuring himself, he picked up his toothbrush and began brushing his teeth.

It was as he was brushing his teeth, he noticed ink on the back of his hand. Switching the hand, he was brushing his teeth with, he examined the ink.

His yes fluttered open wider as he spluttered on his toothbrush. He yanked the toothbrush out of his mouth and abandoned it on the counter, focusing on investigating the numbers sprawled on his hand.

His confusion subsided and was quickly replaced with horror as he remembered how he attained the number printed on his hand.


"Are you even listening to me," Derek complained.

"Of course, I am," Spencer replied confident in his lie.

"Don't lie."

"I'm not. I can recite what you said back to you to prove it." Spencer's mouth was open in preparation to repeat every work Derek has said in the previous minute.

"No that's not what I said. So, what you heard what I said, but you weren't truly listening, because your too busy staring at her."

"No, I'm not," Spencer scoffed, in denial.

"Seriously. You keep looking over at her. Just go talk to her. It's not like you don't know her."

"It's not that simple Morgan."

"Yes, it is," Morgan jested, ignoring Spencer's disapproving look. "What were you two talking about anyway, before I came back."

"Her research," Spencer quickly answered, choosing to leave out the par where he talked about her hair.

"And?" Derek probed.

"And nothing. Earlier on she left me some of her notes to look at. She asked for my opinion. They were amazing. It can't describe it. It was like I was getting a glimpse into her mind and the ways it worked." A smile had slowly crept onto Spencer's face.

"Okay well that's a start. Did you get her number?"

"," Spencer frowned.

"Well why not?" Derek agitated at Spencer's obliviousness.

"It seemed a bit forward."

"It seemed forward." Derek imitated. "You know for a genius, sometimes you act stupid. How do you expect to tell her what you think about her work? The pigeon post."

"I guess I didn't think about that. I just assumed we would probably bump into each other again. That happens to us a lot,' Spencer confessed.

"Well, you won't bump into her when she moves across the country for her next rotation," Morgan quipped.

"What do I do?" Spencer asked a mask of naivety crossing his face.

"Stand up." Spencer followed the instruction. "And go ask her for it." Derek pushed Spencer forward in the direction of Gia's table. "Come on. I'll come with you for moral support."

Nervously, Spencer approached the table. Gia's back was towards them. Spencer thought to himself that he had the opportunity to escape, because she hadn't noticed him yet. But Derek's presence behind him kept him on track.

They were still a few feet away from the table when Anna spotted him and drunkenly pointed towards him.

"Dr Reid. I got to tell you. I find it annoying that you always seem to show up. But today I'm too happy and truthfully I trust Gia with more than my life. So, if she finds you interesting. I will tolerate you."

Gia had turned in the direction Anna was violently jabbing her finger. She blushed when she saw Spencer was in fact right behind her, hearing what Anna said. Lochlan, who was seated beside Gia, turned to Spencer too. His face clad with an unsympathetic business-like expression.

"She's is a little drunk. I apologise on her behalf." Spencer was awash with relief at those words. He was sure Lochlan looked like he was going to throttle him. "She's not wrong though. I don't think I like you. But I'll tolerate it for now. Let's not try and get on my bad side. I do find it odd that you show up. In my line of work, we don't believe in coincidences." Finishing his statement, he turned back to rest of the group, but he had completely startled Spencer. Behind Spencer, Derek was shaking with laughter.

"Good luck, my man,' Derek whispered to him, before he was whisked away by a woman asking him to dance.

Spencer longed for this entire scenario to be a dream. That he fell asleep reading Gia's research, and he would wake up back at the university, but it wasn't. He quickly came back to that realisation, when his head turned back to Gia and his stomach turned just thinking about her.

"I'm sorry about them," she said clearing her throat and throwing uncomfortable glances back at her table.

"It's no problem," Spencer replied. "I'm just an awkward person, I understand why they would be wary of me." Gia cocked her head to the side, mentally trying to piece together what he meant by that. Why would they need to be wary of him? He was just a someone interested in her work. A friend. Wasn't he?

"Do you want to sit?" she suggested, pointing to the seat on the other side of her. "Your friend seems to be having a great time. You might be standing around for a while otherwise."

"Yeah,' Spencer noted what she was observing. A dancing Derek was surrounded on the dance floor, engulfed by the crowd. "Yeah, it could definitely take a long time," he sighed taking the seat she offered.

Time went by fast while they talked. They talked about nothing in particular of note. They spoke about everything. Spencer felt comfortable, like he could tell her anything. Gia felt the same. Even they she was so open to him. He still found her to be a mystery. That thought allured him.

"Oh it's 2am. I need to go," she frowned at her watch. She was upset that they had to cut their conversation short.

"Oh right. Yes, sorry for keeping you," he muttered.

"No, it was nice talking to you. I mean it was nice talking about something other than work for once."

"The research team works you hard." Spencer joked.

Her forehead creased in confusion.

"You could say that. It's my own fault I suppose."

"You should tell Daris..." he went on. But stopped when she laughed.

"I think you might be misunderstanding something..." Her words were interrupted when Lochlan hoisted Anna towards the exit. Noah called out to Gia to point out that him and the two people with him are going to help Lochlan out. She slid off her seat to follow them.

"I should help to. Anna can be ruthless. Bye," she sweetly said.

"Umm... wait," spencer surprised himself by stepping in front of Gia, causing her to take a step back. "Sorry. Ummm, so how can I talk to you again," he asked, his voice low and breathy.

"Oh, right yeah. I didn't ever think about that. Here," she says as she snatched the pen that was poking out from Spencer's pocket. He gasped as she grabbed it. She clicked the pen and reached to take his hand. She quickly scrawled her number on his hand, popping the pen pack into Spencer pocket and saying bye again before leaving.

Flashback ends

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