93: Aburame Shino

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Shino being a part of Aburame Clan, they always been socially awkward to others. A lot of people actually don't like them because of their own power. They control insects and insert it in their body. In short, they are a living hives of insect.

Shino is just staying in the forest to seek for new species but sadly, he didn't see any.

"Hey, what are you doing?" Shino look to who ask. He saw a blonde hair kid with blue eyes.

"I'm finding species of an insect, why? Because I need them to my technique," Shino reply in monotone.

"Cool! You can control insect?" He said. Shino's eyes widen a bit.

"You're not going to say its disgusting?" Shino curiously ask.

"Why would I? It is your techniques right? If you're comfortable of using insect, as your main weapon. Why not? As long as it can make you stay alive, then, I'm find with it," he grin and look to Shino.

"You are an Aburame right?" Shino nodded so he grin again.

"I'm Uzumaki Naruto, future Hokage of the Konohagakure. Nice to meet you," Naruto said and offer his hand.

"Shino, Aburame Shino," Shino said and hold Naruto's hand. They shake hands and immediately finish it.

"Since you are an Aburame. I think, you might like this," Naruto offer a scroll to Shino which makes Shino curiously take it.

"Just put a chakra if you open it to take whats inside, you can also take the scrolls of future purpose. Its really nice meeting you," Naruto wave to him and vanish.

"Wait, I..." Shino sigh. Its always been like this, he can't even complete a sentence. Then he look to scroll. He did what Naruto told him ans he almost pale when he saw what is it.

It is a three big container of Bikuchu. Shino widen his eyes looking to the three container. He can see that it was place with a great care inside and the one who arrange it had a certain knowledge about how to put it into a right container.

Shino knows how rare Bikuchu is. This insect was really good for tracking. As it can remember any scent it can smell after they hatch. In someone who was specialize into insect using. This insect is extremely rare for them. Shino smile and adjust his sunglasses as he look to where Naruto vanish.

"Hope to see you soon," he mutter.


"So you're saying this came from Uzumaki Naruto?" Shibi ask to his son. Shino nodded and look to his father.

"I'll take one of the containers so we can breed it. You can take the two more container," Shibi said with final voice. Shino nodded and walk into the opposite direction of his father.

"Why don't you befriend him? He seem so nice," Shibi said with serious tone. Shibi is one of the neutral party in terms of Naruto. As a person how had the same situation as them, being socially deprived to others because of their circumstances. Shibi didn't judge the kid with his burden.

Now that he saw something interesting, it seems like Shino, his son is destined to see him. It this the opportunity being open to them? He don't know but he hope.


"Hello, Shino. Hows your day?" Naruto grin when he went to Shino again after three days.

"Thank you for the gift," Shino quietly said.

"Although, Bikuchu is rare type of Insect and useful too for tracking, I don't have any interest to it. Beside, I know Aburame can fully utilize them. So its really nothing," Naruto reply.

"Still... Thank you," Shino sincerely said.

"Since you are here training with your insect, why don't you join us? I have a small group of friends who was training in our personal training grounds in my compound," Naruto said and grin.

"Is it really okay? Why do I ask? Because I have a unique circumstances that may affect the others," Shino explain.

"They will like you. Beside, I create the group for fun. Everyone is welcome. So whatever your circumstances is, on behalf of my training partners, we don't care about it. Even I have a unique circumstances but they never judge me. So... Do you want to come?' Naruto said and offer his hand again.

"If you say so," Shino felt so warm inside, this feeling is too good for him. Is these the so caller interpersonal conversation? He often talk to himself in his mind. But now, for the first time in his life someone wanted to befriend him.


Shino smile looking to his group of friends. While he was too quiet on his own, they never forget to includes him to their conversation. All of them always makes him feel that he belong to this group.

He was happy that he take a risk when he agree to Naruto's offer. As their teacher, their pseudo senior, he never fails to guide them as if he was much more older to them. He treat them right, teach them skills for battle and personal use. Mind trainings, and many more. They become an all rounder as they have a lot of tricks and techniques that they can do.

What was really his favorite is when they learn the ability to fly. He was so happy that when he was flying, he will let his insect to fly too. Sometimes the others will fly with him and his insect. They never feel disgust to his insect.

Ninshu gave them a lot of things to do. And he can experiment thru with it without being drain too much in his chakra. For him, Ninshu is more powerful than their techniques and ninjutsu. It was pure raw chakra and didn't even need a chakra control even if it was chakra base.

He felt so grateful to Naruto that he includes him to this little but home group of friends.

They all often smile, laugh, sing, dance, even pranking. They actually open their own account because of a lot money they always get. This came from the pranking session of Naruto. They will disguise as Naruto and pull a lot of tricks to do it.


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