5: One Month

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One month had passed, Naruto is extremely satisfied to Rock Lee's progress. His weights is now 20 in arms and 40 in legs.

He progress too fast specially in Fuinjutsu and Senjutsu which was his focus. Naruto only build his stamina, accuracy,  flexibility, coordination, and senses for his Taijutsu. If he master it, he will proceed to give him instance and let him create his own Taijutsu.

Lee maintain his show skills in academy so even if he had a powerful back ups, he was still consider as useless who can't use Ninjutsu nor Genjutsu.

He focus on his training and didn't care about other's insult. This build his tolerance and patience which makes Naruto proud.

Lee was now in Level 2 beginners while Naruto is in Intermediate Level 8. He let Lee to explore the Techniques by himself and if he can't understand anything, he will approach Naruto. When they begun the training for Senjutsu, Gamakitchi watch them both many times.

While Naruto started his training for his Elemental Jutsu advance exercises, Lee begun his Kenjutsu training under Naruto. Naruto trains with Shadow Clones so he can focus teaching Lee.

"You may not know how to use a Ninjutsu and Genjutsu, you are genius to Senjutsu and Fuinjutsu. Kitchi told me that the Gama-Sennin, Jiraya study the whole Level 1 beginners for 6 months while you finish it with 3 weeks. Ninjutsu and Genjutsu is not for you but this field. I'm proud of you specially for your hard work and determination," Naruto said with a smile.

"Thank you Sensei, your lecture is all interesting and not boring just like the Academy," Lee said with chuckle.

"Just let them see that you are proficient in Taijutsu, I'm sure you'll pass the Academy. Just average so everyone will underestimate you," Lee nodded and continue his training. Naruto told him that he wanted to stroll around and if he don't know what to do, he can ask his Shadow Clone.

He still need to work with a clone who's more durable than Shadow Clone. Still need to do many things.

He tried to stroll near to Uchiha District when he saw someone train with Kunai.

"You should put less force and add a little height to your arm before throwing the Kunai," Naruto said. He smile seeing his Brother's reincarnation had his own training.

Sasuke follows what Naruto said and he caught the right position to throw the Kunai.

"Wow! You must be good in Shurikenjutsu," Sasuke said cutely. Naruto chuckle seeing how cute his brother was. Next time surely he will bring his Camera to record it.

"Maybe, want to spar? Pure Taijutsu only?" Sasuke nodded and drop his Kunai. He put his instance and begun to go in Naruto.

Naruto on the other hand, did not use any Taijutsu but correct the Taijutsu of Sasuke. He will blow his open area which will push Sasuke to defend it. This continue until Sasuke manage to correct a lot of his open area.

"Wow! Cool! You manage to teach me without words and purely using Taijutsu to correct my Open areas," Sasuke happily said.

"What Taijutsu is that?" Sasuke ask.

"It was a Correction Taijutsu, I made them purely for Training others. It correct their instance and will tell the sparring partner about his flaw to his own Taijutsu. It didn't have pattern so its flexible to any kind of Taijutsu," Naruto explain.

"I learn a lot from you while I still don't know your name. I'm Uchiha Sasuke, by the way," he introduce himself. Naruto laugh and nodded.

"Your right! I'm Uzumaki Naruto," Both shake their hands and Sasuke ask help to Naruto about his Shurikenjutsu. Then Naruto teach him a lot of techniques. Naruto was a teacher material. Sasuke can immediately pick up since Naruto's word is not complicated and too simple to do. If it was thought by someone, Sasuke might not manage to understand it.

"You will be a fine teacher someday, Naruto-san. I can immediately understand your words and pick it up to quickly," Sasuke said truthfully.

"I just describe it in my own experience. It was too difficult to read and memorize an entire book just to pick up something sometimes the instructions are too complicated to understand. While how I deliver what I teach you is base on how I understand whats on the book," Naruro explain.

"Cool, can you teach me again, tomorrow? I'll make my nii-san proud of me," Naruto nodded and they continue to train until dawn. Naruto told him to see each other again tomorrow. He will do anything to be with his nii-san again.

If this will make them friends, then he will do it.


Another months had pass, Lee still progress to his training under Naruto. They become friends aside from their relationship as Student and Teacher.

Naruto and Sasuke also become friends. Just like Lee, Naruto become Sasuke's Teacher. Because he was extremely talented, Sasuke's progress had double than Lee. Sasuke is really determined to surpass his brother, Itachi in the eyes of his father.

But this kind of inferior complex had been fix because of Naruto's Therapy Technique. Now, Sasuke had change his goals in life and didn't care about his father's affection anymore.


"Sensei, Body Flicker Technique needs chakra right? What should we do now?" Lee ask. Naruto smile and let Lee examine the scroll that Naruto gave him.

"A Senjutsu/Fuinjutsu hybrid Body Flicker?" Lee grin and examine the seals that Naruto gave him.

"Its a B-Rank Seal so be careful," Lee salute and bring out his brush and scroll to examine the seals. Naruto vanish immediately and went to Sasuke. He knows that Lee will just ask if he was extremely confuse to the seals.

He also had a bunch of Shadow Clone at the compound so it should be easy for him to continue his training.

While walking towards the meeting place of Sasuke and Naruto. Naruto saw Hinata being bullied so help him with a smile while Hinata shyly thank him. Hinata was found by Ko and took him away from him.


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Hinata, Shikamaru, Choji

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