Chapter 18: O, Hell No! [Edited]

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Nathan Underhill.

We made our way into the main living room. Hell, you couldn't even call it that. The living room was the size of a small house. Even though I saw no Halloween decorations on the outside of the mansion when we arrived, it seemed Halloween threw up all over the living room. A massive, cobweb-covered, crystal chandelier drew your eyes to the high vaulted ceiling, nearly two stories high. Massive fake spiders hung from the ceiling, swaying in the breeze that slipped through the open doors at the far side of the makeshift dance floor. To the left of the dance floor was a bar and pool table, while on the right were coffins converted into leather couches. Several partygoers were busy eating each other's faces off. Most of them were werewolves. Should have guessed. We were horny creatures by nature, after all. Well, not all of us, seeing that I wasn't even looking to get laid. When Mr. Asshole caught me staring at the group of sluts, he winked at me.

Before I could chew back my words, they slipped out. "As if!"

"Ah! Come on. Just one kiss?" He licked his lips seductively while staring at mine.

Was he actually being serious? Did he think that he'd be lucky enough to get a kiss from me? It wasn't going to happen. Come to think about it, I've never kissed anyone before and I was definitely not about to let him be my first. I was probably just one of his many hunts; he'd use me and then discard me just as easily. Alphas and their enormous—

Clearing his throat, Joshua interrupted the awkward silence between Adam and me. "Am I interrupting something?"

Adam scoffed at him and was about to say something to him, but I interrupted and stepped in. "No, you weren't, Joshua."

I wrapped my arm around my friend's shoulder and ushered him toward the bar to get us a drink before I caved in to the urge to face-plant the arrogant jock's pretty face into the white marbled tiles. They looked expensive, and I didn't want to pay for damages.

As we scampered off, I caught Adam glaring at Joshua. Just then, Maisie appeared next to him unexpectedly with a caramel hunk wearing a white toga and brown sandals at her side. Damn you go, girl! Several she-wolves nearby stared at him with their mouths open, nearly drooling all over the marbled floor.

I quickly snapped out of my funk and said, "Oh, Alpha, don't pout. There are plenty of other partygoers here that would sacrifice their favorite bras and briefs as an offering to the gods for the chance to suck your face, but I'm not one of them." I turned around and dragged Joshua with me while Adam's friends laughed at my comment.

Before we reached the bar, a hand was wrapped around my arm, yanking me around. Adam's eyes narrowed while he let out a threatening growl. He bared his teeth at me. "Don't ever disrespect me in front of my friends."

The partygoers within earshot snapped their heads in our direction. My heart began racing as Fenrus began prowling inside my mind. I had to fight back the urge to growl back at him. Fenrus wasn't one for backing down when another wolf, no matter their status, challenged him.

"Calm the fuck down, Fenrus," I pleaded with my wolf. "We can't expose ourselves here."

"He's pissing me off." Fenrus growled back, trying to push forward. My eyes watered as I strained to keep my eyes from glowing.

"Back off! He's just another arrogant prick with anger issues."

As I was fighting an internal battle with my wolf, Joshua intervened, "Whoa, guys. There's nothing to fight over about."

As Joshua's hand found my shoulder, Fenrus seemed to listen and backed off. I sighed mentally and then said, "Is this why you invited me?" I ripped my arm out of Adam's grip. "Did you think I was going to fall into your arms like one of these cheap bimbos that's eye-fucking you right now?" My eyes caught one girl, wearing a skimpy cat woman costume. Adam's eyes followed mine. "If so, you're a bigger dumb-ass than I thought. I don't—"

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