Chapter 40 : Surprise, surprise! Part I. [Edited]

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Nathan Underhill.

We watched with choked-up lungs as Kaila clasped the leather bracelet around her left wrist. It had to work. I had full confidence in my abilities and I had done all the research. Seconds later, Kaila rewarded my confidence with a smile. Her eyes flickered between gold and brown until they settled into a shimmering gold color. Her connection to her wolf had settled down. A floodgate of tears streaked down Kaila's face as the burden of her condition disappeared before our eyes. Her parents were the first ones by her side, hugging and kissing their daughter.

Adam came over to me and draped his arms over my shoulder. "You're amazing." He kissed me on the forehead.

"Nah! I just did what I had to," I replied. My statement wasn't far from the truth. I could never live with myself if I didn't help Kaila. I had the skills, so why not use them for a worthwhile cause?

Now I just had to pray to the moon goddess that Riley didn't maul me to death for interfering with his private matters. He was a hard-ass, and I wouldn't put it past him to blow his lid, even if it benefitted him in the end.

Adam chuckled and said, "Stop being modest. Riley has some serious ass licking to do."

"And I agree." A voice rang out. Before I prepare for the onslaught, both of Kaila's parents hug the guts out of me. "Thank you so much," whispered Mr. Anderson, followed up by his weeping wife.

After we separated, Mrs. Anderson threw in a couple of kisses on my cheek before Adam could protest. He growled possessively, earning a snicker from Kaila's mom.

I punched him in the arm. "Down boy." I then moved over to Kaila's bed and hugged her.

"Thank you..." She stared in awe at the bracelet. "There are no words—"

"No need." I squeezed her shoulder. "I'm thrilled that the bracelet is working, but you're not out of the blizzard yet."

Kaila's parents joined us by the bed. "What do you mean?" Mr. Anderson asked with a worried tone creeping into his voice.

"When I entered the room, I sensed something troubling." They waited anxiously for me to continue. "Kaila, I need you to tell Zale to stop healing you."

The doctor rushed in and said, "That's ridiculous. Kaila's seriously ill. If her wolf doesn't heal the damage to her body, the damage done will leave a permanent scar."

"And if Zale continues, she'll die and Kaila will follow." I countered, causing Mrs. Anderson to gasp.

"And how do you know this?"

I took Kaila by the hand. It was cold to the touch. "Use your nose, doc. Death hangs in the air. For years, Zale has carried the burden of healing them and now she's on her last paw." I searched for a chair and pulled it to me. Then took a seat next to her. "All I need of you, Kaila... is for you to tell Zale to take a rest so that I can heal you both."

"Isn't that dangerous?" Adam asked.

I shook my head. "No. It's actually easy and it will only take an hour or two." I focused on pushing healing energy into the palm of my hand.

To everyone's surprise, except for me, Kaila's hand started glowing. The blood veins in her arm turned a luminescent green as healing energy flooded her body. Kaila's body temperature slowly rose with every second.

"That feels so good," said Kaila, laying back into her bed and closing her eyes with a smile.

"Kaila?!" Mrs. Anderson cried out.

Her daughter's eyes snapped open. "Mom. Nothing's going to happen. For the first time in years, I haven't got a headache and I'm just taking a nap until Nathan finishes healing me."

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