Chapter 49: Shit! He's Here. [Edited]

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Adam Wick.

My world came crashing down when Nathan's eyes fluttered shut. I couldn't do anything but hold him tightly to my chest while I begged him to wake up. But he didn't. I should have prevented him from doing the crazy ritual. How could it not have ended up in a disaster? Magic has always found a way to fuck up one's life. That's why werewolves despised magic. Even though I was not a fan of magic, I accepted that part of Nathan's life. I loved him, all of him.

"Adam?!" shouted Nathan's mother, trying to pull me out of my trance. She kneeled down and tried to touch Nathan's face, but I hugged him tighter and growled at her. She recoiled. "Adam, I need to help my son. The longer you keep him from getting medical attention, the greater the damage will be."

She had a point. I had no way of helping Nathan, and it scared the crap out of me. One of these days, I was going to die of heart failure for all the crap Nathan had put me through.

"You regret knowing him?" Bane's question whirred through my head.

I shook my head as I got to my feet, picking Nathan from the ground, bridal style. "No, not in the least. But you have to admit, he keeps us on our toes."

"Would you want it any other way?"

I rushed out of the chamber while the others followed my lead. "No, I wouldn't."

Making our way out of the dungeons, we eventually surfaced. The chill in the air slammed into my spine, causing me to shudder. Nathaniel tried to take Nathan from me, but I snarled at him until he fucked off. I wasn't going to allow anyone near him except for the pack doctor. I had enough of these crazy witches and their magic. What if they tried to heal him and made it worse? No, the pack doctor would know what to do. He was an expert.

After several failed attempts at removing Nathan from my arms, the bunch of old people gave up and allowed me to bring him to the clinic. I laid Nathan down on one of the hospital beds. The pack doctor, accompanied by his nurses, quickly shoved us out of the room. My father and Nathaniel had to drag me out.


Two Hours! Goddess! What was taking them so long? I growled while pacing down the corridor, while glaring at the dumbass sign that had the gall to tell me I wasn't allowed past its plastic ass. Dumbass sign... I wanted to rush up and rip the notice off the doors.

"Calm down, Adam," Tyson said. "Pacing trenches into the ground isn't helping. It's only pissing people off. Sit down."

I wanted to strangle my friend, but the death glare Maisie shot in my direction told me that the health of my genitals was at stake. A huffed escaped my lips while I took a seat next to my dad, who sat next to the Supreme hugging the fluff out of her. I swear I've never seen my dad so touchy before. A sharp pain flashed across my chest at the sight, reminding me how I missed having Nathan in my arms.

"Don't worry, Adam," Maisie said, interlacing her hands with Tyson's left hand. "My brother is tougher than he looks. If he could survive the wrath of his nutbag of a grandfather for this long, then he'll be up and perky in no time."

I wanted to believe her, but it was really difficult at the moment. The doctor was taking his goddamn time. Before another growl could slip from my lips, the doors swung open and the baldheaded doctor finally emerged. His stoic expression gave nothing away.

"Ms. Underhill?" the doctor asked, searching the group for Nathan's mother.

Clenching my fist, I strutted up to the doctor and asked," Tell me, doc. How is he?"

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