Chapter 26: Indecent Proposal. [Edited]

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Cassandra Pope.

"Father already told me," I huffed, digging my nails into the wooden door. I wanted to smash it right into my brother's obnoxious face. It's been the third time since I've been told that my father wanted me by his side at the ball. "Don't you have better things to do than to play messenger? Shouldn't you be busy robbing a morgue for another corpse to fuck?"

A sneer flashed across his greasy face. "Be careful, sister. Father won't be in a forgiving mood when I tell him you're ignoring his instructions."

"I'm not, you idiot. I only arrived five minutes ago, and I still need time to get ready for the ball. So get lost." I slammed the door shut in his face because of his incessant prattling.

It wasn't my fault that I arrived late. I had an urgent meeting that I couldn't reschedule. If I did, my father would have jumped down my throat for the umpteenth time. He loved to throw his power around like a snapping beast, ready to snap at your face if you upset him in the slightest.

I walked over to the freestanding mirror and started putting the last touches on my outfit. I readjusted the thin laced straps of my black evening gown. Then I slipped into a pair of black high heels while I picked up a pair of diamond earrings.

"Why so glum?" Aveny said.

I rolled my eyes, clucking my tongue. Why wouldn't I be? This place had sucked all the joy out of me. I had hoped that by now I would have been successful at releasing Aveny from her prison. But it didn't work out as I had hoped. Since my meeting with Councilor Vance, no progress has been made thus far. Which really irked me. Four days ago, Vance briefly talked to me through the blood orbs and told me he was going to be unavailable for the next three months. Can you believe it? I would have thought that the old fart would have jumped on the opportunity to burn my father on a stake as soon as he could. So why delay our plans?

"Stop brooding and talk to me," Aveny said.

I sighed and then said, "The councilor's playing around. The longer we waste time getting rid of my father and freeing you from this hellhole, the more serious the risk becomes. My father has spies everywhere, and it's just a matter of time before he suspects that I'm not as loyal as he thinks I am."

"Then don't give him a reason to doubt your loyalty to him. Paint on a fake smile on that beautiful face of yours"—my cheeks heated at her words—" and attend the ball without making a fuss."

Sometime I found it difficult to love her, especially when she made sense and told me off like an impertinent child. She was right. I needed to suck it up and get this night over with.

"I have to talk to you about something," I said while clasping a diamond necklace around my neck. My mouth dried out at the impending question I dreaded to ask her. But I needed her help.


Here goes nothing. "I need you to convince Alex to pass on the incriminating information I have on my father to the councilor."

I few seconds of silence reign over the room until Aveny's voice split the room in half. "You can't be serious!" Her angelic features turned vicious. "I will not endanger my son!"

I raised my hand up. "I get it. You don't want your son involved any further than he already is, but we need his help. I can't rely on my agents for help. They're loyal to my father and will never act against him." I tried to reason with her. "Look, Aveny. Your son is the only one who's not under my father's surveillance. He doesn't see Alex as a potential threat, and that will be his undoing."

Aveny slumped back into a chair reflected in the mirror and groaned. "Fine. I will talk to Celeste and ask her to talk to Alex. But I warn you... if he doesn't want to get involved, I won't force him to. Is that understood?"

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