Chapter 51: At Last We Meet Again. [Edited]

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Nathan Underhill.

Muffled screams and shouts filled my ears, accompanied by the metallic smell of blood bleeding into my nose. I groaned, trying to open my eyes, but my eyelids had other ideas. I tried to move my body, but heavy pressure on my chest prevented me from moving.

"Get your ass up!" Fenrus growled, trying to push forward. A sense of dread washed over my body. "Now!"

Using all of my will, I forced my eyes open. A flash of silver rammed down on my head. I swerved just in time to dodge the sword before it split my head open. The sword, embedded into the mattress, reflected my coppery eyes back at me.

An icy shiver trickled down my spine. Fuck, that was close! I glared up at the man who sat on my chest, their red eyes glaring back at me with murderous intent. A pale hand clamped down on my throat, squeezing the life out of me.

In an instant, I disappeared and reappeared a few feet from the bed. My wannabe killer yanked the silver sword from the bed and charged at me, swinging to chop my handsome head off my body. I desperately dodged the vampire's attack by mere inches. The sword's wake graced my throat. I rushed the gap and punched the undead fucker in the jaw. I smirked when the crack of his jaw sang out into the room. The vampire crashed into the hospital bed, falling flat on their ass.

"Say cheese, motherfucker!" I shouted to the vamp as they reached for his weapon.

In a flash of blinding light erupting from the palm of my hands, the Shadowstalker burst into flames. They scrambled around the room, flailing their sword around haphazardly before crumbling onto the floor in a plume of ash. A clang echoed out into the rest of the clinic as the sword hit the ground.

Before I could rejoice and piss on the ashes of my fallen enemy, yells rang out from a level below. I raced to the closet and quickly changed into a pair of gray sweatpants and a white t-shirt. I really didn't want to fight in a hospital gown while my ass hanged out for the world to see and my family jewels jingled in the wind, willy-nilly.

I rushed out of the hospital room, down the corridor, and down the set of stairs till I reached the center of the chaos. Several nurses and doctors scrambled to get their patients out of the Shadowstalkers' reach. How they got past the pack's defenses was anyone's guess, but I didn't have the luxury of time, while over a dozen vampires tried to hack everyone to pieces. A light breeze flowed into the foyer through the broken front windows. Shards of glass lay strewn over the linoleum floor. During the fighting, dozens of chairs were thrown about across the battlefield.

My blood boiled as I watched my aunt and siblings fight desperately to kill the intruders. There were still a half dozen bloodsuckers alive, but their undead lives were about to end. Time to fry me some assholes. With another flash of intense sunlight bursting forth from my palms, I flooded the reception with light. Several shrieks thundered across the room as the undead burst into flames. After the light died down, only ash piles remained. Several of the warriors sunk to the floor, exhausted by the fighting. Luckily, there were no casualties on our side, but a few wolves crawled down the hallway searching for medical aid.

"AH! Fuck!" Riley cried as he sputtered, jumping around while dusting his assailant's ash from his hair. "My mouth was open!" He fell to his knees while gagging on ash. His eyes found me. "Why the hell didn't you warn me?"

I shrugged while walking over to my sister. "Sorry, didn't have the time. The asshole would have ripped your throat out if I waited any longer."

"As if!" Riley scoffed. He walked to the broken vending machine, took a bottle of water out of it, and washed his mouth out.

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