Chapter 41: Surprise, surprise! Part II. [Edited]

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Adam Wick.

Can't believe Nate left me hard like that. Come on, there had to be a crime against playing someone like that. As I laid against the foot of my bed with my ass planted on the floor of my room, I tried to will away the painful stiffy Nathan left me with. That was a dirty trick.

I stumbled to my feet and made my way into the bathroom. Yet again, I had to take care of my boner. I swear, ever since I first met Nathan, I have had a serious case of chronic masturbation. I just hoped that I didn't end up with Carpal Tunnel Syndrome.

After cleaning up, I dressed up in a pair of red swimmer shorts, a white wife-beater, and a pair of white vans. Luckily, the surprise party for the twins was a lake party held in the backyard of the pack house overlooking the lake. So I saw no reason to dress up if we were going to splash around in the lake for the most part of the party. I made my way down toward the livingroom where Nathan sat with Kaila and her parents. My chest swelled with pride at Nathan's accomplishment; without him, Kaila would have continued to suffer. If Riley had a problem with Nathan interfering, he had to go through me. Riley had to stop punishing other people for his own shortcomings and he had to learn how to accept other people's help.

I joined Nathan on the couch while my dad spoke to Kaila about her condition.

"I'm getting there," she replied with a gentle smile that covered her nervousness. "I get tired quickly, but the doctors assured me it'll pass."

"Well, I hope so. Don't push yourself too much," my dad told her. "If anytime throughout the party you don't feel well, you're more than welcome to rest in one of the quest rooms, but I suspect your mate will be eager to use his."

A scowl flashed across Mrs. Anderson's face at his words. "That's not going to happen. Stay as far away from that boy's room as possible before it leads to things you're not ready for."

"Mom!" Kaila hissed. "Your imagination is running wild." Her cheeks reddened.

All of us burst out laughing. After a few more minutes, me and Nathan excused ourselves and made our way to the backyard. There, a few of the pack members were busy putting the finishing touches to the decorations. Rows of colorful cabanas lined both sides of the yard's perimeter leading to the lake. Underneath them lay mountains of pillows, enabling partygoers to sit on them. Most of the center space of the yard we left open for party activities and dancing.

"Alpha?" one of the pack members asked, drawing our attention. We walked over to the red-haired young girl who stood next to an opened box filled with party decorations. "Where are we going to hang these?" She pulled out a bunch of silk streamers colored in red and purple. Riley and Maisie's favorite colors.

I glanced over at Nathan. "What do you think? There are no poles we can tie them to."

Nathan furrowed his brows until his eyes darted to a bunch of hula-hoops that lay on one of the activities tables. With a flick of his finger, a single white hula-hoop flew through the air and the streamers shot out of the box. The ring came to a halt, twelve feet in the air. The streamers tied themselves around the hoop and spread outward, lengthening magically until they found a surface to fasten to. Like a spider's web, the streamers hung suspended overhead.

"That's freaking cool." I leaned in and kissed Nathan on the cheek. "Nice job."

Nathan's cheeks flared up at my compliment. Suddenly, he found the box very interesting. How cute, he was embarrassed.

The girl clapped her hands and said, "Wow! I agree. Thanks Luna for the help." She picked up the box and scurried off.

Nathan stuttered and shouted after her. "I-I'm not the Luna!" He stole a quick glance at me and then scurried toward the docks.

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