Chapter 37: Dear Valentine, My Ass. [Edited]

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Nathan Underhill.

The dreaded day had arrived that made my skin crawl and my gut twist into knots. The fourteenth of February, what a nutcracker. A day where people groveled in front of each other with flowers and chocolates to show their loved ones how much they loved each other. What about the other three-hundred-and-sixty-four days?

"Isn't it your jealousy that's rearing its ugly little head?" Fenrus asked me.

I scoffed, continuing to write the last paragraph of my assignment on bacterial diseases in domestic animals. "Why should I be jealous?"

"How many times throughout our lives have people asked us to be their valentines?"

I stopped writing and sifted through my brain. "Four—five times perhaps? What are you getting at?"

"Out of all those times, how many did we act upon?"

"None." I tapped the pen on the table a few times.

"And the reason?" Fenrus continued pushing his point.

What did he want from me? I rubbed my forehead, trying to rub out a headache. "I don't know. You tell me."

"The reason you hate Valentine's day is that we couldn't date when we were on the run. We had to watch from the sidelines while others could enjoy their day of love."

Maybe he had a point. We never experienced those things, and I grew resentful because of it. It sucked being lonely. Shaking the crappy feeling out of my head, I leaned back into my desk hair and glanced out of the window.

The day started out gloomy as a thundershower pummeled the pack house. Torrents of raindrops battered the windows. There went their romantic picnics. I chuckled as I rose from my chair. I almost spent the entire morning putting the final touches to my animal anatomy classes. Stretching, I made my way to my door, wanting to grab a beverage and a few snacks downstairs. As I opened the door, I faced a scene that made me grumble. A life-size frickin teddy bear sat in front of my door with a purple ribbon tied around its neck. An enormous bouquet of red roses sat between its legs, accompanied by a Valentine's card. You've got to be kidding me! Suddenly, a teenage boy with red hair and a face filled with freckles appeared wearing a pink pair of shorts with a matching t-shirt. The word 'cupid' was printed on the t-shirt in crimson glitter.

A messenger. I was so tempted to kill that dick.

"Come on, Nate. You're loving this. For once we can join in on Valentine's day. So stop acting like a dick and enjoy it." Fenrus told me.

"Well, you're giving in too quickly and this is too sappy, even for him."

"H-Hi I have a message for you," the teenager nervously fished out a crumbled piece of paper. He coughed and then tried to read out the message.

"Don't even dare," I warned him. "Give." I stretched out my hand toward him. With a trembling hand, he handed over the piece of paper. "You can leave. Enjoy your afternoon before the soon-to-be Alpha tows you into one of his other schemes."

A grin spread across the teenager's face. "Thanks." He bolted down the hallway with a pair of white angel wings flapping behind him.

How embarrassing... forcing the kid to play cupid. I shook my head and read the note.

"I think it's adorable that Adam's attempting to court us," the love-sick puppy chirped in.

"From what era are you... the eighteen hundreds? Who in this day and age uses the term courting?"

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