Chapter 35: Mom! How Could You! [Edited]

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Adam Wick.

Never in my life was I scared as I was when Nathan slumped forward in his chair and planted his face in his lunch. At first it was hilarious, thinking that he had fallen asleep. But when Nathan didn't snap out of his sleep, I darted from my chair and made my way over to him. I pulled him back into his chair and wiped the mashed potatoes from his face.

"Nathan!" I said, trying to wake him, but he still didn't budge.

I quickly slapped him on the cheek, hoping it might wake him up. But yet again, nada.

"Maisie, get the doctor!"

Maisie dashed out of the dining room. I wrapped my arms around Nathan and picked him up, bridal style. Making my way toward the living room, I lowered Nathan's limp body on a couch while placing a pillow under his head.

"What the fuss is going on? Why the hell is he not waking up?" I asked Bane, pacing around while pulling my hair.

Bane growled at my frustrated tone. "How should I know? I tried reaching out to Fenrus, but there's a mental block preventing me from reaching him."

I cursed and kicked the sofa next to me, knocking Tyson off his perch. He landed on his ass.

"What did I do?" Tyson gasped in disbelief. "Get your shit in line, Adam. I'm sure Nathan is alright."

"Let's hope so."

I walked up to Nathan and sat down on the edge of the couch next to him. I stroked a few stray strands of black hair out of his slumbering face. After what seemed like an hour, the pack doctor finally made his appearance and shooed me away. I stood next to Maisie, fidgeting with my wristwatch as the doctor began examining Nathan.

As the doctor examined Nathan, he lifted Nate's eyelid, only to recoil. "What in the name of the Goddess..."

"Doc, what's the matter?" I rushed forward and kneeled beside Nathan, taking his hand into mine.

The doctor stuttered. "His eyes... they glowed green. I've never seen such a thing."

Before I could ask what it meant, my father, the Supreme, Nathaniel, and Nate's mother walked into the living room, laughing and enjoying each other's company. My father had his arms firmly around the Supreme's shoulders.

At first, their relationship freaked me out. Not that I was mad at my father for finally moving on after my mother's death, but—come on, the lady was one freaky creature. They were total opposites of each other. My father was strict and methodical and ran the pack with a tight grip. His idea of fun was training until he puked his guts out. The Supreme, on the other hand, was a free spirit and laid back. I once nearly ran into a tree when I spotted the Supreme walking butt-naked through the forest singing out loud to a Beetle's song. After that incident, I had to rinse my eyes out with bleach.

"Adam, what's going on here?" my father asked, knocking me out of my thoughts.

I shook my head and said, "It's Nathan. He's not waking up. Halfway through lunch I noticed Nathan falling asleep."

"Then he planted his face first into his lunch," Tyson said, snickering along.

I stabbed Tyson with a death glare for budding in. "As Tyson told you, we thought at first he fell asleep, but then he didn't wake up. For the last half hour we've been trying to wake him but he's not respond—"

"Arg! Not this again," Nathan's mother chirped in. She walked up to her son and opened one of his eyes. "Don't worry, Adam. My son is playing around again. I wonder where he's run off to?"

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