All Hail The Readers... For The Last Time I Swear.

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To all the book munchers who have read my book, I want to thank you all for the support and the votes. It has been a fun journey to write the book and I loved every minute of it. I hope you all enjoyed the book. If not, just too bad. I'm not Steven King. 

I just wanted to announce that the book isn't in its final version and needs to be edited for any spell and grammar errors. Once I have finished with 'A Sundered Soul' I'll begin cleaning up the book. As for the lack of a smut scene I apologize. But don't cry, I haven't got tissues on hand. I will, however, include a smut scene as a bonus chapter that will flow with the story but yet be apart of it so that if I need to remove the chapter I can without disrupting the story one bit. The cock-in-ass scene will play of about a week after the ending.

As for the smut scene, I will try and not make you all vomit your guts out. It will be my first voyage into the unknown. So just hold onto you hats... If I make a mistake--don't kill me. I'm too young to die.

So thanks again for the support. I love you lots!

PS: Just as a thought... Would you all want a second book? I already have an idea for a second, standalone book called, Defiance II: A Human's tale. I will fill you all in on the blurb of the book when the time comes.

Goddess...I wish there were more hours in a day. I have so many stories to write, but yet so little time.

Poor me... :(

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