Chapter 33: Joining The Pack... Yay!? [Edited]

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Nathan Underhill.

This was it, the moment of truth and the day I became one of the pack animals. Was I happy about it? In a matter, yes. I still had my doubts, but as long as I had Adam and my family at my side, I could get over it. Although, it still sucked big time that I had to follow orders like a well-trained pooch. I loved the freedom that came with being a rogue, minus the constant threat of dying at the hands of my grandfather.

Speaking of which, my grandfather was still on the prowl, using his pesky Shadowstalkers to sniff us out, but he was looking in the wrong place for us. It was all thanks to my aunt, the iron lady who risked her life every single day to keep our asses safe. Many times I wondered why she stayed behind with the wicked godfather and his retarded son.

I never liked my uncle. What a creep! The man, from what I heard, was banging a reanimated corpse, for Goddess' sakes. Gross! And to make matters worse, his own father trapped his wife in a mirror for standing up against him. My uncle was a coward. It must have been tough on Alex, though. I haven't spoken with him since the incident with the Highlands pack. I didn't blame him for what happened, but Alex did. Over the years, I've tried to reach out to him in ways that my grandfather or his assassins couldn't trace, but Alex never came back to me.

With a groan and the last tug on my shoelaces, I jumped up to my feet and made my way out of my room. Thinking about my screwed-up family gave me indigestion. Exasperating my bottled-up feelings even further was the irritating black suit they made me wear. The nagging urge to rip the suit off rose with each step I took. Who in their right mind would want to wear suits regularly? They were modern torture devices that made you sweat and suffocate to death. I couldn't move without the frickin' suit putting up a fight.

As my foot touched the bottom step of the stairs, my eyes landed on Adam. He sat on a couch, staring off into the distance. He texted me earlier and told me he'd wait for me in the pack's livingroom. Oh, sweet goodness, look at that. The idea of wearing suits became a bit less unbearable to me, especially if Adam wore them. There he was, dressed in an ash gray suit with a black tie and matching shoes. He had combed his hair neatly to the back and he had trimmed his beard. At first I didn't like the beard, but it started growing on me. I couldn't keep my eyes off him. Goddess, he was perfection.

I walked up to him and cleared my throat. "Hey, sexy."

Adam's head whipped to me, and he smiled, threatening to melt me on the spot. His eyes traced my body before he whistled. "Holy mother, son of a saint, you look handsome as hell." He placed his thumb on my chin and kissed me on the lips.

I honestly wanted to continue devouring his juicy lips, but an annoying cough interrupted us. Maisie stood with her hands on her hips, wearing a golden strapless dress and black high heels. The bitch! I would remember it when she and Tyson went at it again.

"Can we get this show on the road, gents?" Maisie asked. "We can't have a joining ceremony when one of the participants isn't there."

Adam scoffed and gave me a quick peck on the cheek. "Chill, there's still time... And by the way, where's your mate?" He raised his eyebrow while smirking.

Taking a quick whiff, I understood why Adam was smirking. Tyson's musky scent hung on my sister. They did the dirty deed but had the balls to tell us we were keeping them up. Hypocrites! Just then, Tyson came tumbling down the stairs with a flustered look on his face. He was busy tugging his dress shirt into his pants.

"Well, well, well... Look who's finally got his dick back in his pants?" I mocked him, earning a chuckle from Adam while Tyson's face lit up red.

Maisie ran up to Tyson and yanked him to the front door. "Yes, yes, laugh it up. Let's get going." My sister tried to hide her red face, but her earlobes matched Tyson's blushing face.

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