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WARNING: This chapter involves alot of statistics and facts and numbers which may confuse you. If so skip to the bold word "Summary" which will summarise the events then you can continue.

"Okay let's begin the board meeting." My father said standing up as did everyone else. We all sat down after him then he smiled.

"Firstly I liked to begin with the usual update from General Manager Park NamSeok." He nodded and smiled standing up and clearing his throat. 

"Well, after hard work from my department of finances within the HamSung company and strict confinement of the budget towards everyone one of you we were able to save 120% of our profit!" Everyone clapped. He smiled and nodded accepting the floods of praise. 

"Great Job GM!" My father said laughing and smiling at the sound of profits. The GM sat down then he pointed at me.

"Now Vice Chairman y/n will present a new proposal that was sparked via her brothers brilliance." I smiled as everyone clapped and I stood up.

"Hello everyone. Thank you for allowing me the time to present my proposal in which I've actually prepared a folder in front of you all to aid my statistics. You may open the first page." The first page to my father and the GM looked normal. However the other members had seen something completely different. They could see the lump payment receipts my father made to the GM bribing him to cover up his spending's in the Finance Department. 

"Now as you can see we have the success of the finance department all mostly due to General Manager Park NamSeok and my father... our pure CEO. Now although our company is at an amazing point... we can- no we will improve. In the next page my proposal that will boost our company's profits by over 150% and therefore result in advances of our company including payrises for all you hard workers." Once again it seemed like a normal proposal of the binding of Jimin and HamSung Company... however to everyone else it was the proposal of overthrowing My father as CEO and giving everyone including me the justice we deserved. And everything I was saying was true. 

"Now everyone may be wondering... where did I get this idea? Well... in the next page you will see my brothers school grades and photo's proof of his brilliance and I want you to consider if he came up with this proposal how the turn outs will be?" My father and GM were shown tweaked versions of my brothers grades being 100% majority and images of him playing piano whilst in everyone elses it showed his true grades... 10% and images of him throwing fits, beating people up and walking into bars using fake ID. I smiled and nodded.

"So I truly think this is the best of the company. Please consider... we shall vote for this now. For the mutiny of my father CEO and replacement of me being CEO. In the following pages there is proof of my hard work thus far not my brothers or the CEO's"  This is when the truth came out. I looked over to my father smiling looking at his confused angered face.


"Now some of you may be scared of my father... but I promise everyone who votes for me will be protected, taken care of and live freely... not through corruption."

"YAH!" My father slammed his fist on the ground. He threw my folder that I had given to him. He breathed heavily and stood up.

"WHAT DO YOU THINK YOU'RE DOING!?" He yelled. I smiled.

"Are you scared dad?" His eyes widened and he was shaking... but not of fear... of hatred. His eyes screamed he was gonna kill me himself. But he took a deep breath in and out and smiled.

"I have faith in my men." I nodded.

"Oh they're your men now?" I smirked. 

"At the back of the page there is a personalised section which shows the emails my father sent to others talking about you all specifically. Including you... Park NamSeok." NamSeok looked at me confused the looked through his folder. I smiled.

"The frequent words that came up were... peasants, slaves... pawns.... useless... oblivious... and more. Which sums up how he thinks of you all. Not as workers.... but pawns in his game." My father shook his head.

"They won't believe you. This is all fake." He said smiling. I nodded.

"Alright then... shall we vote." My father nodded.

"Everyone put you're hand up if-" 

"No No No... the vote should be anonymous..."

" Why so you can alter it?"

"No... but I promised protection of my men... and therefore I demand and anonymous vote... or are you not confident." My dad rolled his eyes and we went on with the votes.

SUMMARY Y/n proposed to the board members that she should be CEO and there decided to vote on it. 

Taehyung POV

Someone came out of the board meeting room where a small group of employees and myself were waiting for any announcements.

"12:48pm There was a unanimous vote against the CEO and thus it was decided... Y/n would be the chairman." 

Everyone smiled and were hugging each other and hi fiving. I looked behind me and Lisa and Baekhyun were kissing. I chuckled then smiled then walked towards the car and sat down smiling too much waiting patiently for her to enter. My legs were shaking. My palms sweating. What should I say when she comes in. 


"We did it!"

"I love you-" Taehyung froze in the middle of his rehearsing. 

"Ah... I need flowers." About to walk out the door I was pushed back and felt small hands wrap around my waist. It was y/n. She was huffing and puffing as if she had run around looking for me. Her grip tightened and I could hear her begin to sniffle. My eyes widened and I lifted her up.

"H-hey what happened? Are you hurt?" She shook her head and then looked up at me with tears in her eyes.

"I... I did it Tae... I defeated my father." Her voice broke and she smiled at me with tears falling down her face. I almost cried along with her seeing her in such a state. Instead I smiled warmly leaned forwards and kissed her forehead. She froze shocked then I chuckled.

"You did good." I started patting her head and she blushed. Even her ears had become pink and she looked down.

"Taehyung... I know it's not sudden but do you want to be my-" My eyes widened and I stopped her.

"Wait!" I smiled and she looked at me confused and kind of disappointed. I opened the door.

"Stay here... I'll be right back. Don't go anywhere then we can continue!" I closed the door and start sprinting to a nearby flower shop. I needed to do this right.

A few moments later...

"I hate you Kim Taehyung. Leave me alone."

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