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I sighed looking at my phone hesitating to call Jungkook. After confessing to him who I like it was so awkward. And the tension between Taehyung and Jungkook was evident. We barely got anything done cause all I could think about was them Even when Taehyung and I were going home it was pretty quiet beside him debriefing me about todays schedule.

*Knock Knock Knock*

I turned towards my door and sprayed some perfume on before skipping over. Hopefully it wouldn't be too awkward between myself and Taehyung. I cleared my throat then opened the door.

"Good Morning Taehyu-" I stopped staring at one of the maids in the house. She was one I recognised instantly. One that was a loyal servant of my father for over 10 years. She was more like a secret agent wearing a tuxedo and cold eyes. I wouldn't be surprised if my father was having an affair with her but there was one thing for sure. She loved my father... And she hated me.

"The master wants see you." I nodded slowly.

"Umm... I'll come once my bodyguard gets here so I can inform him-"

"Now." She said. I gulped feeling a bit threatened and nodded closing the door behind me as I followed her. I fiddled with the hem of my dress as we made our way to his room. I was nervous. I hadn't seen my father since the day of the banquet. I'm sure he had a lot to say to me. I had to make sure I made no mistake.

"We are here." She said. I froze confused looking at the door she had stopped in front of. It was one of the many rooms in this mansion I never explored or wasn't allowed to enter. I now realised why she had collected me and not a regular maid. My father was plotting something. She stepped to the side and I slowly opened the door and walked inside.

"Y/n! You're here!" I looked at my father who was sitting on the other side of a desk. I bowed.

"Good morning father." He nodded and pointed to the seat signalling me to be seated. Hesitantly I took a seat and looked around the room curious. The room had soundproof flooring and wall set ups. It was plain however and only held 3 things. A vault, 2 chairs, and a desk. The desk came with drawers of there own of course but I was more curious about what was inside that vault and why this room was sound proofed. I didn't dare allow my eyes to explore further and looked straight at my father. He smiled and placed a small box on the desk. It was pink with a white ribbon over it. A very small box.

"Open it." He said smiling. I slowly lifted my hand and grabbed the box. It was light. I started untying the ribbon and let it fall onto my lap as I opened the lid of the small box and sitting there was a ring. A gold ring. It had a big diamond on it and engraved butterflies in the inside the letters... J + (The first letter of y/n). J... JiKook!? My brothers name and mine. Was my dad showing me affection to make up for what he had done at the birthday banquet?

"Put it on... It's yours." I felt uneasy. I wanted this... The fatherly love I had craved for all my life... But something wasn't right.

"What is this?" I asked smiling to make up for my rude remark. He smiled and pointed took out a folder with papers and placed it next to the ring.

"Read it. It's exciting news. Part of what I had announced on your birthday. I didn't want to go into too much detail then just in case." Confused I opened the yellow, cream folder and started reading. It was a contracts.

"Social Media + HamSung collaboration?" I read. I knew about this. It wasn't what I expected but I was aware since my birthday about the collaboration. I looked at my father and he just smiled excited.

"Before you read on you must know how important this is for HamSung. Almost a 60% increase of revenue!" My eyes widened. That was larger than I had calculated.

The bodyguard (Taehyung ff)Where stories live. Discover now