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I sat on the window of my room staring down. My parents had locked me in there since I made a mistake at the gathering last night spilling the punch on my cousin. He deserved it... although we were both playing around.

"Milady... please eat some food!" The maid begged. I sighed.

"I'm not hungry... even if I was that salad won't fill me up." She bowed deeper.

"Sir said if you don't eat he will take away more privileges please!" She begged. I groaned and smacked the bowl from her hands on the ground and it shattered. She gasped quickly picking it up and I continued to watch the gardeners outside clip away at the bushes. Just as they had done everyday.

"I'm so bored..." I sighed yearning for freedom. My eyes wandered off to the gate that had opened up which was rare. My parents never let anyone inside for 'my own safety' but they just don't want to be exposed. I started humming and I watched as a black luxury car drove around the fountain and garden to the front of our castle. The door opened and a boy walked out the car... 19? Around the same age as me. He stood in front of the stairs and I saw my dad scurry out and shake his hand smiling and fixing his rushed appearance. The boy just smiled and bowed then looked around the house. Silently observing I noticed a gun in his left pocket.

"A policeman?" I shook my head. The car he arrived in was too flashy. I smirked realising what was happening.

"A bodyguard?"

"Y-yes mam! He will be looking over you from now on-"

"Why are you still here?" I turned and glared at the maid. Her eyes widened and she hurried out the door stumbling over her feet. I stood up sighing and lay on my bed staring at the ceiling.

"I guess if he's dads spy... I will have to find a way to get rid of him..." I closed my eyes enjoying the sound of trees blowing and bugs creaking. This... was interesting.

3rd persons POV

Taehyung and Mr Lee had walked up the stairs towards y/n's room after a full tour.

"And this is her room." Mr Lee said with a smile plastered on his face. The maid stopped him.

"She's taking a nap..." She said bowing. He nodded before opening the door. Taehyung and Mr Lee walked in the room and rested there eyes on the sleeping princess. She looked so beautiful resting there.

"My daughter is a obedient but stubborn sometimes. If you must you can use violence to discipline her." Taehyung didn't react and just stared at her.

"She's currently locked in her room for 1 week since she embarrassed me the other night so there won't be much work for you. Just make sure she never leaves the house during lockdowns." Taehyung nodded and stared down at the leftover salad on the ground the maid had missed.

"She threw a fit refusing to eat this morning." The maid said. Mr Lee grew furious.

"Don't give her any food from now on till she apologises!" He groaned and Taehyung just nodded then bowed to Mr Lee.

"I will do my best to protect her." Mr Lee nodded.

"Come... I'll show you to your room." Mr Lee, Taehyung and the Maid had left the room as she continued to sleep undisturbed.



I slowly woke as my eyes adjusted to the artificial light that was no bursting in my room. I sat up rubbing my head from the big headache. My stomach growled and I stood up about to walk to the kitchen but the door was thoroughly locked. I sighed and turned back to the window. I slowly crept and looked around for any movement. But there were men everywhere with flashlights and dogs.

"Father's getting overboard." I groaned and closed the blinds so they couldn't see inside. I looked around just in case there were any hidden cameras that were placed. I then grabbed a stool and stood on it pushing on the roof as a hidden door was revealed. I quickly kicked the stool away as I jumped and climbed my way to the attic and turned on the light and my secret base was revealed. A gaming room with a mini fridge and small ramen cooking station. A bed and LED lights to help with the aesthetic. I opened the fridge and started drinking the beer that I had saved from a few days earlier.

I looked at the screen which had access to the cameras outside my room so I could see if anyone was coming. I watched as the same made who talked to me earlier fell asleep leaning on my door. I... was a bit mean to her. But my dad replaced the maid that practically raised me and helped me set this base up so he could spy on me. It was unfair. My eyes widened as I watched the new bodyguard walking towards my door. I stayed quiet and watched as him and the maid walked in.

"AHHH SHE'S GONE AGAIN!!!" The maid screamed and ran out frantically. I looked through the gap of the door and watched as the new bodyguard just stared at the room. He picked up the stool that was on the ground then placed it down lightly.

"I know you are still here..." He said. I gulped and he nodded.

"I'll let them know I've found you... but let's talk tomorrow..." He turned about to move. I don't know why but...

"Stop!" He froze and looked up. I opened the secret door and looked down at him. I sighed.

"You're pretty good for someone your age." He bowed thanking me and I smiled.

"We can talk now." He froze then nodded beginning to climb up the stool but I shook my head.

"Ah- Ah! I'll come down." I put the beer back in the fridge and slowly slid off the edge of the door onto the stool. I stretch and closed the door then suddenly the stool lost balance and I was on one leg trying to stop but I was swaying too much.

"Oh...Oh OH!!!" I closed my eyes holding my fist tightly as I was falling to the ground. But instead of feeling the cold hard ground... I felt hands. One snake around my waist and the other under my head. I slowly opened one eye then the other to see the bodyguard staring down at me. We were so close and all I could hear was my heart beating. I froze and he looked at me worried.

"Are you okay?"

The bodyguard (Taehyung ff)Where stories live. Discover now